ICFP2007 (14)の続きです。
以前も貼りましたがカタログのpage 4405829です。
purchase codeをcrackerに渡すと鍵を表示してくれると書いてあります。impdoc2に載っているcrackKeyのことです。purchase codeは3つ分かっています(8/24)。
- int24 help-beautiful-numbers_purchase_code
- int24 help-error-correcting-codes_purchase_code
- int24 vmu-code_purchase_code
以前も貼りましたがカタログのpage 4405829です。
Shhaf pbagnva n terng qrny bs cebcevrgnel grpuabybtl. Gb cebgrpg gur Vagryyrpghny Cebcregl evtugf bs ShhaGrpu naq vgf fgbpxubyqref, pregnva cnegf bs n Shha'f QAN ner rapelcgrq hfvat bar bs gjb pelcgbtencuvp grpuabybtvrf. Guvf ranoyrf fhpu cnegf gb or npprffrq bayl ol gubfr phfgbzref jub unir bognvarq gur arprffnel npprff pbqrf. Zrgubq N jnf hfrq va gur cnfg, ohg vg unf erpragyl orra oebxra. Vaqrrq, gur rapelcgvba fpurzr jnf erirnyrq gb or fb synjrq gung vg pna or oebxra znahnyyl. Vg vf fgvyy va hfr sbe fbzr cnegf bs gur flfgrz, ohg ShhaGrpu vf zvtengvat njnl sebz vg. Jr jvyy abg qvfphff vg shegure. Zrgubq O, n ShhaGrpu genqr frperg, vf fvtavsvpnagyl zber cbjreshy. Vg erdhverf gur phfgbzre gb rapbqr n fcrpvny frdhrapr bs punenpgref, pnyyrq n "xrl", vagb uvf Shha'f QAN ng n fcrpvsvp ybpngvba. Vs gur xrl vf cerfrag, gur pbeerfcbaqvat shapgvbanyvgl orpbzrf ninvynoyr. Bgurejvfr, Shha orunivbhe znl enatr sebz na reebe zrffntr gb ivbyrag qrngu. Vs lbh unir ybfg n xrl, erpbirel bs gur xrl vf abg trarenyyl cbffvoyr qhr gb gur pbzcyrkvgl bs gur pelcgbtencuvp grpuabybtl. (Vg vf n tbbq vqrn gb jevgr qbja xrlf fbzrjurer, znlor rira ba n lryybj cvrpr bs cncre nggnpurq gb lbhe pbzchgvat qrivpr.) Ubjrire, vs lbhe xrl vf fhssvpvragyl fubeg, lbh znl or noyr gb erpbire vg hfvat gur Shha'f xrl penpxre. Gb or noyr gb hfr gur penpxre, lbh zhfg fgvyy unir lbhe chepunfr pbqr (n 24-npvq frdhrapr). Cyrnfr npgvingr gur penpxre trar, cnffvat vg gur chepunfr pbqr, naq nsgre fbzr crevbq bs gvzr vg znl cevag bhg lbhe xrl. Or cercnerq gb jnvg n ybat gvzr. Va gur Fybj Mbar, penpxvat n 2-punenpgre xrl znl gnxr zvahgrf, juvyr n 3-punenpgre xrl znl gnxr ubhef. *** Qrgnvyrq qrfpevcgvba bs Zrgubq O (fhowrpg gb AQN) *** 1. Znxr n yvfg bs ahzoref, 0 gb 255. 2. Frg gur pbhagre sbb gb mreb. 3. Yrg one pbhag sebz 0 gb 255 naq rnpu gvzr, nqq gur one'gu ryrzrag bs gur yvfg naq gur one 'gu punenpgre bs gur xrl (jenccvat nebhaq gb gur fgneg bs gur xrl vs arprffnel) gb sbb, naq fjnc gur sbb'gu naq one'gu ryrzragf bs gur yvfg. 4. Erfrg sbb naq one gb mreb. 5. Sbe nyy gur qngn lbh jnag gb rapelcg be qrpelcg: N. Vapernfr sbb, nqq gb one gur sbb'gu ryrzrag bs gur yvfg, gura fjnc gur sbb'gu naq one'gu ryrzragf. O. Nqq gubfr gjb ryrzragf, fcyvg gur erfhyg vagb sbhe tebhcf, naq KBE gurz jvgu gur npvqf (V = 0, P = 1, S = 2, C = 3). Nyy nevguzrgvp fubhyq or qbar jvgu 8 fvtavsvpnag npvqf.
Fuuns contain a great deal of proprietary technology. To protect the Intellectual Property rights of FuunTech and its stockholders, certain parts of a Fuun's DNA are encrypted using one of two cryptographic technologies. This enables such parts to be accessed only by those customers who have obtained the necessary access codes. Method A was used in the past, but it has recently been broken. Indeed, the encryption scheme was revealed to be so flawed that it can be broken manually. It is still in use for some parts of the system, but FuunTech is migrating away from it. We will not discuss it further. Method B, a FuunTech trade secret, is significantly more powerful. It requires the customer to encode a special sequence of characters, called a "key", into his Fuun's DNA at a specific location. If the key is present, the corresponding functionality becomes available. Otherwise, Fuun behaviour may range from an error message to violent death. If you have lost a key, recovery of the key is not generally possible due to the complexity of the cryptographic technology. (It is a good idea to write down keys somewhere, maybe even on a yellow piece of paper attached to your computing device.) However, if your key is sufficiently short, you may be able to recover it using the Fuun's key cracker. To be able to use the cracker, you must still have your purchase code (a 24-acid sequence). Please activate the cracker gene, passing it the purchase code, and after some period of time it may print out your key. Be prepared to wait a long time. In the Slow Zone, cracking a 2-character key may take minutes, while a 3-character key may take hours. *** Detailed description of Method B (subject to NDA) *** 1. Make a list of numbers, 0 to 255. 2. Set the counter foo to zero. 3. Let bar count from 0 to 255 and each time, add the bar'th element of the list and the bar 'th character of the key (wrapping around to the start of the key if necessary) to foo, and swap the foo'th and bar'th elements of the list. 4. Reset foo and bar to zero. 5. For all the data you want to encrypt or decrypt: A. Increase foo, add to bar the foo'th element of the list, then swap the foo'th and bar'th elements. B. Add those two elements, split the result into four groups, and XOR them with the acids (I = 0, C = 1, F = 2, P = 3). All arithmetic should be done with 8 significant acids.
purchase codeをcrackerに渡すと鍵を表示してくれると書いてあります。impdoc2に載っているcrackKeyのことです。purchase codeは3つ分かっています(8/24)。
- int24 help-beautiful-numbers_purchase_code
- int24 help-error-correcting-codes_purchase_code
- int24 vmu-code_purchase_code