God bless the USA!



2024-04-15 | 驚いた
I found a quote today, which I wrote down in my diary 32 years or so ago.


You'll never understand the purpose of pain until you understand that
life is not a pursuit of happiness,
a search for ease,
but a training ground for greatness.

Pain helps to discipline us as well as refine our purpose.


There are some that are trapped in pain
they only seem to have just a tiny bit of time free from pain

There are those who suffer from pain the entire life
is this really my destiny to be in such pain?

There are those who are trapped in agony
and never seem to be able to escape
Do they have hope?

Maybe the reason people feel unhappiness
is because they are always looking for happiness
always wanting to be happy
pursuing to be happy

but maybe we should focus on what we have
the pain and trials
and as we go through them all
there will be moments of happiness
which we may not realize unless we are in the trial period
and also if you don't make the effort to look for that moment of happiness
it's there, sometimes you just have to search for it

I remember those days when I was working full time
from Monday to Friday
I so much look forward to Fridays
and boy, did I enjoy my Saturday
and how sad I felt when Sunday was about to end

I appreciated the Fridays and Saturdays
because I had Monday to Thursday
which was painful to get through

and God only gave us a day or two to experience that happiness
He knew that we had to have more days of trial
than days where we can just relax and enjoy the harvest of our hard work

so when you look at life within the weeks span
you can clearly see that God meant it that way
that you go up the hill with lots of effort and pain
but the slide down the hill is just few seconds

yes another metaphor
you make the effort to go up the mountain
but it only takes few seconds to go down the slope
why do we go through that pain of climbing the mountain?
isn't it so that we can enjoy the view from the mountain
as well as to experience the excitement and the thrill of skiing?
so enjoy the view down the mountain
and enjoy the climb for the purpose of attaining the view up from the mountain

it will always go hand in hand
pain and happiness
you can't have happiness all the time
it just won't stand alone
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