

Nichiren and Shinran (121)

2022-02-13 02:04:53 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (121)
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am Budda
Section 1 Life and times

1 The thought and issues of Nichiren are
Hokkekyou only one , Statement about the state , Everyone saved
Eternal Budda , Read Daimoku , Dispute break down and reverse
Nichiren’s thought is complicated . His thought is the synthesis of the Hokke thought . To understand his thought we should overview all the thought of Buddhism . In the case of Shinran it’s possible to cut off his thought from all the thought of Buddhism and to think about Shinran’s thought . But in the case of Nichiren , it’s dangerous to isolate his thought .In addition to that , he was not only the synthesizer of Hokke thought . But also the tendency to overcome the Hokke thought itself , is distinguished . Therefor his thought has been misunderstand till now .
Nichire was born 1222 year in the Touzyou village of the Awa country (now Chiba district ) as a child of a fisher (so told ) . Nichiren own himself said , he was a child of a fisher , the child of sendara (the out casted lowest layer in ancient India ) . In the current opinion it might be so . Laughable . I don’t think so . The family of Nichiren , whether the fisher or not , was in the relatively rich layer . His social standing was the lower lord , the administrator of the manor , the layer of the fighter ,Bushi . The manor was not limited to the agricultural manor . The contents of manor were various . There were the manor specialized to fishing . When Nichiren born and grew , the east Japan was involved in the development of the monetary economy . It’s necessary much of money to study . Nichiren studied in Kamakura and Kyouto more than 10 years . He was skilled with the law suits very well ( see later ,about Atahara affaire ) . Only the lord class who often treated these affaires , could practice . Nichiren had the purpose when he told about his family . If he was the child of sendara , this image made Nichiren the charisma .I will compare to the European affaire . Martin Lutter ,one of the leader of the reformation was recognized as the child of the miner . Many people thought ,his father dug under the ground . The scholar investigated Rutte’s life .They found that his father was quite rich .The men whose occupation was minering was various .The work of the fishing was various , too.
Many people believed that the name in Nichiren’s chikdfood , Yakuoumal . This name was made later by the believers . This name came from the 23th article in hokkekyou .12 years old he entered the temple in his village . The motivation was unknown . I never think , he despaired this world and held the not always feeling . I suppose ,Nichiren would like study . In this period the man studied in the temple . !8 years old he went to Kamakura , and 21 years old went the Enryaku temple . 32 years old he went out Enryaku temple and went back to his home village . In the intermediate time he went to the temples in Nara .At this time the priest who wanted to study the buddhisme should go to Enryaku temple and the temples in Nara ,specially Toudai temple and Kouhuku temple . Nichiren studied diligently .
At the temple in the home village Nichiren told the thinking which became the Niichiren school in the future . Simply speaking the contents , chanting Mida entirely error , never effective . The chanting Mida and the zyoudo thought could not save the man ,Nichiren said so .Only hokkekyou could save , Nichiren proclaimed . His words ,sentences were very severe and aggressive . The man believed the zyoudo thought , fell into hell ,so said Nichiren . This aggression was caused by the doctrine of hokkekyou and the character of Nichiren . He succeeded this attack against another school through his life without any compromise . The lord of the village ,Touzyou Kagenobu became very angry . He was an earnest zyoudo believer . Nichiren could not live in his home village . He went to Kamakura . Here I will speak of the zyoudo believes at that time . Nichiren went out Enryaku temple 32 year old , 1253 year . In this period the zyoudo believes ,specially the sect of many times chanting , had experienced the suppression and became cooperative with the government .In Kamakura they obtained many believers not only in the common people class but also in the upper lord class . When seeing the surface of the zyoudo believes , the believers were chanting Mida .They practiced only the easy training .They were soft and mild as if sheep . But , when they concentrated the essence of the believes , told of [ negation of the initiative ] or [at first can be saved the bad man ] , the zyoudo thought became very dangerous for the government . Sheep changed to wolf . The religion had in general such a ambivalence . Zyoudo thought has the ambivalence in the extreme figure . When Nichiren went to Kamakura , the zyoudo thought showed the former , the face of the mild sheep .
39 years old , Nichiren wrote his first chief edition , Rissyouankokuron .He contributed this writing to Houzyou Tokiyori , Shikken ( the chief governor of bakuhu ) Rissoy means to prove , Ankoku means to govern the state safely .Ron means the theory . The contents of this writing is , to inhibit the zyoudo thought and to believe the thought of hokkekyou . If the governor neglected these policy , then occurs the big disaster in Japan .
Concretely Nichiren prophesized , the disaster of the invasion by the foreign power and the disaster of the revolt from the inside of the government . Here was represented the feature of Nichiren’s thought , the attitude to emphasize the politics and the state . Nichiren was the first thinker to emphasize the importance and the meaning of the state .The motivation to contribute this writing were various . One of them was the natural disasters which had been succeeded several years . Nichiren thought , the governor was responsible to these disasters . Because the governor don’t believe of the right religion the disasters occurred, he thought so .To accept the hokkekyou as the only one right writing , was called Hokkeitizyou . Itizyou means only one method . To tell the governor the hokke believe , to let them accept hokke believe , to let them correct the policy from the side of the believe , these deeds were been called Kokkakangyou (the statement for the state ) . Nichiren’s blaming was very hard and severe . Other schools became angry . They attacked Nivhiren’s house . Nichiren fled and was saved . Nichiren was exiled to Izu district (now Shizuoka district ) . The seeds of the trouble might be at the side of Nichiren .But the believers of the other school were not punished . They used the violence directly and they were not punished . This judge was one sided . Nichiren wrote [ kyoukizikokusyou ] . Kyou means teaching .Ki means disposition . Zi means time .Koku means state . ( see chapter 4 section 3 and section 4 in this chapter ) . 42 years old, he was pardoned and went back to the temple in the home village . Nichiren promoted hokke believe severely ,there too . The lord Touzyou Kagenobu became very angry and attacked Nichiren and the disciples . He was hurt on the head .
 47 years old , Mongol empire sent the message to Japan and required the contribute , named the diplomatic relation . In the letter of Mongol one phrase to menace , if rejected we will overcome you . Nichiren thought that the prophecy was collect and was confident that his believes could be accepted . He proposed the open discussion with other school .But Nichiren was judged to exile to Sado , solitary island in Japan see . Other schools contrived the plot and moved the government . One of the powered members of the bakufu ,Tairano Yorituna was one of the earnest zyoudo believer and therefor hated Nichiren . Shikken Houzyou Tokimune did not hate Nichiren . Bakuhu hadn’t the policy how to treat Nichiren . It was possible for Nichiren to be punished by death . After the judgement Nichiren lived as the person who once died . Nichiren exiled to Sado 50 years old . He was discarded to the tomb . In Sado he wrote the most important writings , Kaimokusyou and Kanzinhonzonsyou .Kaimoku means , open the eyes , Kanzin means to watch , Honzon means the symbol of the believes (I will exactly explain later ) . In this period occurred the revolt of Houzyou Tokisuke .He was a brother of Tokimune and one of the high degree bureaucrats in bakuhu The second prophecy by Nichiren hit the target . 52 years old Nichiren was pardoned , went back to Kamakura . Tairano Yorituna hoped Nichiren’s opinion, how to deal with the situations . Nichiren’s opinion was the same , to inhibit zyoudo school and zen school and to believe hokkekyou ,only hokkekyoy .Bakuhu could not accept the Nichiren’s thought . Nichiren retired to Minobu .Half years later , in 1274 year the fighting ships of Mongol attacked Hakata in northern Kyuushuu . The prophesy of Nichiren hit the target ,twice . Nichiren lived in Minobu 8 years . He wrote many writings and grew up the disciples .He died 1282 year , 62 years old .
2 Nichiren lived 60 years from 1222 to 1282 year . This period was marked clearly . The first was the system changing from the assembly constitution to the dictatorship . The next was the development of the monetary economy .The third was the conquest of Mongol over the world . 1221 year one year before Nichiren ‘s birth occurred the war named Syoukyuu. The power of ancient empire was defeated perfectly . The emperor and the high degree aristcrats lost the power . Instead of the ancient empire Bakufu took the right and the power to govern . The government of the fighters (bushi) has begun . This government was the assembly system . The members of the assembly , more than ten ,were called Hyouzyousyuu. Hyouzyou means congress .Syuu means the assembly . The member of hyouzyousyuu were the Houzyou family , the powered lord of the manor and the high degree bureaucrats . The top of bakufu was called Shikken . This position has been monopolized by Houzyou family . The constitution to rule this system was established , named Zyoueiikimoku . The power was concentrated to the chief blood of Houzyou family called Tokusou blood , gradually . The new layer of the fighters who served directly the Tokusou blood , appeared and took the power to administrate . This new power was called Tokusouhikan . Hikan means to be appointed . Houzyou Tokiyori left the position of Shikken but grasped the power to administrate . He appointed Shikken as the representative of him self . Then the various powers were tangled mixed and crashed . The trouble , the intrigue and the battle were necessary . The lord of the big manor (equal footing to Houzyou family ) , another family of Houzyou and Tokusouhikan struggled for the power .Nichiren estimated Zyoueishikimoku very much . He estimated the deed of Houzyou Yoshitoki as reasonable . In the period of the half of Nichiren’s life , in the times in which Nivhiren grew the fundament of his thought , the assembly system in bakuhu functioned well . The ideal of the politics of Nichiren was this system in this period . In the times in which he began to act out as the thinker of the believe , the time was changing to the Tokusou dictatorship .
 Nichiren prophesized the disaster of the revolt from the inside of the government . He pulled the adequate phrases from the writings . The reason of his prophecy was the awareness of the crisis for his ideal government system to perish . When the man can be aware of his ideal clearly , he can criticize the situation around himself . Through the spirit of critics the man can grasp the situation . Tairano Yorituna who arrested Nichiren and claimed the punishment by death .was the top of tokusouhikan . The opposition of Nichiren and Yorituna was natural .
3 The monetary economy spread rapidly in the Kamakuraera( 1192-1331). Sou dynasty in the continent issued a lot of cupper coin . The coins were imported into Japan. The tax might be payed through the money . Tairano Kiyomori imported very much of Sou coin. The Japanese economy was accelerated .Bushi (fighters) was originally the developer of the farmland . They were earnest for the economical behavior . The monetary economy accompanies the risqué necessarily . The distinct of the obtained and the defeated appears . The defeated was the fighters who only cultivated his farmland and took the profit from the harvest . They were the classical fighters . The obtained was occupied with the commerce . Then the layer of fighters was confused . The classical fighters dropped out through the burden of the monetary economy . The new power appeared . They obtained much money by sell and buy and bought the farmland of the defeated fighters who were the core of the fighting might of bakufu . The obtained not only became rich but also ignored the order of bakufu and occupied robbed the farmland of another .The historian named this new power Akutou ( directly translated bad man ) The Japanese word [Aku] (bad) has the positive meanings too ,for example strong ,able or distinguished etc . From the times in which Nichiren began his behavior , the action of akutou became manifest . At last bakuhu could not involve this new power in the own government and was broken down . Nichiren himself was recognized akutou by bakuhu .Nichiren was the priest of Enryaku temple . This temple had many soldiers and was occupied with the commerce and the finance . More than the half of the financial money around Kyouto, this temple controlled . Therefor the Tendai priests were the latent order disturber from the side of bakuhu . In this peiod ,when akutou acted out actively often violently , the action of Nichiren , over common knowledge behavior was possible . His behaviors , to challenge another school , to require the open disputing and to proclaim his own opinion in the street loudly were the action of akutou .
4 The life of Nichiren paralleled with the formation of the Mongol empire .1207 year Mongol highland was unified by Zingisukan . 1234 year Mongol occupied the north China, several years later after the birth of Nichiren . 1241 year Mongol defeated the unified army of the European knight in Poland . 1258 year Mongol destroyed the Abbarsu dynasty in the Musulim area . The rest which was not occupied was the south China and Japan . The information were brought by the foreign merchants to Japan . Nichiren wrote Rissyouankokuron ( the proof of the rightness of hokkekyou and the method to insure the state ) 1260 year . The conquest of Mongol and the awareness of the issues in Nichiren paralleled with .
 Nichiren studied at Enryaku temple 10 years and went to Kyouto and Nara . Thinking about the geographic position ( near by Kyouto ) ,military priests , sensitivity to politics and the economical action of Enryaku temple , I suppose the effect on Nichiren . He had originally the common appetite more than a little . The creator Tendai school ,Chigi said that every occupation has the seed of the believes and was not different from the Budda’s teaching . This school tended to attach the importance on the actual lives . Then Nichiren might accumulate a much of the information while he was around Enryaku temple and Kyouto .
The first letter from Mongol has come 1268 year . The second letter 1269 year . The first attack by Mongol 5 years later 1274 year . The second attack 1281 year , one year before Nichiren’s death . Mongol seemed to come to Japan to realize the prophecy of Nichiren .
The attitude of bakuhu was very simple and straight . Reject and fight . In contrary Nichiren succeeded to alarm from the time point when Mongol finished to conquer the Europe .Where the distinction of the feeling came from ? I found it in the mentality of akutou Nichiren .The social group who was acting very active , the group who desired the means of merit and profit not only in the agriculture but also was occupied with the commerce and finance , the group who accumulated weapon and wealth , the group who disturbed the administration , the group who menaced the government bakufu through swindle illegality and violence , these new power called bakufu akutou,the bad man . I feel much of the smell of akutou in the man Nichiren .
