

Nichiren and Shinran (19)

2021-08-31 21:35:31 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran(19)
Chapter 2 Everything-succeeding theory and Not-I theory. 
Section 3 Hannya
(1) In the beginning of this section I will explain the mean of Hannya. Hnnya is the core concept if Buddhisim. We can say that Hannya is Buddhism itself.( exact explanation see later)
The primary Buddhism has developed to the another direction, to the popular mass democratic direction. We named this religion Daizyoubukkyou.It means a big ship in which many people are brought, many people are saved. They searched for the direct saving-practice. The party Budduhism had the deadly defect. Budda himself was responsible for this problem. In the period when Budda himself were teaching 、the trainees were profesionals. Buddhism was supported by the men who went out from his home and family. When man dose the earthly everyday life, at the same time he dose training of Budduhism, is it possible? The answer is [Impossible].These professionals made the group and isolated themselves from the earthly and outer world. They were taught by seniors and led by seniors. The system that they made was called Sanga. Each member was called Shami. If woman, called Shamini. Budhism had become the group of the professionals, for the professionals and by the professionals. The professionals made the closed training systems.
Budduhism had charm not only for the professionals, but also for the people for the earthly men is charming. They, popular people also wanted to be saved. In the beginning era they were satisfied their religious hope by giving the professionals money and goods. But their hopes to be saved became bigger and bigger. They wanted to see, to look at the Buddahimself directly. They buried Budda’s ash, and built the tower as the monument. The new holy textbook appeared. The expedition by Alexander brought the Greek art techniques into India. Many statues of Budda were built and passionately loved.
The image of Budda became over the worldly time. He lived not in the short time ,80 years. He had continued to train and to study from the infinitely old time. As the result he became Budda and appeared as the holy being in this earthly world. At the same time People made many Budda’s substitute, in east inwest in north in south and in the future and past.
The earthly people wanted to read the holy textbooks , to understand these books and wanted to communicate with Budda on the dimension of intelligence. In the outside Sanga(formal groupe of professional priesters) appeared Darumapanaka (leaders of people in the Buddhism movement) appeared. They read holy books ,sang and admired the books and lead the people. The people made new groups. People centerd Darumapanaka in these groups. The new groups made new holly books From the movement appeared (was born) the entirely different Buddhism. We call this Buddhism Daizyoubukkyou. The word Daizyoubukkyou means the big ship which can bring and can save a lot of man. Before and after 0 year this Buddhism began to appear After several centuries it built its structures and continued to present period, ,today. We Japanese have accepted this Daizyoubukkyou with delight admire and respect. The first holly book of the new Buddhisim is Hannyakyou. One of the earthly persons gave the sharp ,powerful understanding to the contents of Hannyakyou He penetrated the movement , set the axis through Daizyoubukkyou and builtthe fundamental logics ( can be called Axiom) .His name is Nagazyuruna. He was called Ryuuzyu in Japan.
     19    8-31

Nichiren and Shinran(18)

2021-08-30 21:30:12 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran(18)
Chapter 2  Everything-succeeding theory and Not-I theory
Section 2 Abidaruma small ship

Error is here, then success is there. The party Buddhism which followed the primary Buddhism obtained the success in another front. In place of errors they built the logical base of the Buddhism. They certified the method of training. I will talk about this point, only a little.
Four methods
Observation of dirty - - - Observation of the process of human-body-rotting
Control of respiration - - - to suppress the unnecessary emotion
Recognition of the following formula, to be permitted separately
body = dirt sensation = pain soul = not ever law = not-I
Uunderstanding of the following formula
(body,sensation,soul,law) are totally and simultaneously equels (dirt,,pain,,not ever
Four possibility of saving
Warming of body
Warm feeling of body and soul reaches the summit. Experience of being saved
Endure the training
The last state on the earthly stage
Four methods and four possibility are the prior steps, Here the trainees graduate earthly stage and go into chief training process, Yoga training. Abidarmakosha divided these states into eight stages and added explanations. But the explanation through sentence and word, is impossible and meaningless. So I will say only that there are eight Joga stages.
The readers of this book should be aware of the four methods and four possibility. The training of Buddhism consists of these eight methods and states The rests are inrepresentative . Daizyoubudduhism appeared in the history. They were very critical to the partybudduhism. The difference of both Buddhism lies in the view about world and man itself. The large part of training method in Daizyoubudduhism accepted and succeeded the party Buddhism. The fundamental core is Yoga. Daizyoubuddhism made yoga technique simple and easy. They also made the discipline more easy .The party budduhists established the base of study, train and discipline of Budduism. The party Buddhist trainees wanted to do what had said Budda ,completely literally throughout. They were too diligent.
 I will here introduce some conceptions which the party budduhism made and became the famous customs. That are the three worlds and six places. The three worlds consists of the world of desire, the world of phenomena and the world of no-phenomena. The world of desire is the world in which desire, drive ,passion are violently moving and men are governed by them. The world of phenomena is the world in which desire dose not exist but their images only exist. The world of no-phenomena is the world in which both desires and their images don’t exist.
The lower world is divided into six stages(ways). After the levels of the appearance of desire, from lower to upper, there are stage of hell, stage of animal, stage of gaki, stage of shura ,stage of man and stage of heaven. In the stage of hell man always tormented and tortured by the demons and devils. Gaki is man who always starves and can eat nothing. Shula is destined to fight and kill. Whether man’s life happy or unhappy, the right of answer I give you. In the stage of heaven man can enjoy every pleasure delight and richness. These happiness is destined to disappear. This disappearance may be more painful than other earthly agonies .The man which lives in these six stages should circulate the six stages. They can’t escape from these six stages. Man named this circulation Rokudourinne. The upper stages exit but desire let man stay and circulate only in this six stages. This passive, and pessimistic fatalism is the result Goukannengi (circulation of guilt). Because man sees the eight stages real existence , so each stage is fixed. For Buddhism ,Gou(mass of guillt)and Engi(flow of destination) are not essential concept. Buddhism has appeared to overcome this fatalism.
Abidarumakosha established the law system. They defined agonies. Agonies and errors into which man easily fall , are classified. The total number of categories are ninety eight Zuimin (idleness without meaning). Ninety eight Zuimin are integrated to six guilty agonies. They are all six, greed, anger, too much of pride, doubt, ignorance and misunderstanding of principle.
18 8-30

Nichiren and Shinran(17)

2021-08-29 21:14:44 | Weblog
 Nichiren and Shinran (17)
Chapter 2 Everything-succeeding theory and Not-I theory
Section 2 Abidaruma Small ship

As a result the past becomes the dump or the tomb where the present law perished and is destroyed. The past is cut off from the present and becomes completely different. The future changed totally its character. These time which only comes and goes, only runs and flows, I named the mechanical time. The mechanical time has no relation to Here-and-Now. We can nothing for this sort of time. This was the time concept that Abidaruma reached. This time concept changes the meaning of the everything-succeeding theory(Engi). Everything always is affecting and changing each other. This is the chief contents of this theory. We can change every unhappiness. Everything can change and can be changed. We can think so, therefor saving is there. The party Buddhism made the time (time concept) mechanical. They made the connection and continuation fixed. They made the straight line in which the time from future through present to pass only runs and flows. This time concept we call Sanzeryouzyuu .It means that all three times are always heavy and can not be fled .By this thinking, twelve articles in everything-succeeding theory are newly classified and disposed. See following list.

1 impossibility to know, potency in the depth of soul - - - - cause in pass
2 acknowledgement , phenomena and name, place in which object contact with
contact of object with sense organ , sensation - - - - result in present
3 drive and desire , adherence - - - - cause in present
4 living ,birth ,aging and death - - - - result in pass

When we follow this list, the most important articles ,impossibility to know and potency in depth are pushed out to unreachable past. For us the most important work is the struggle with and battle against the complex of impossibility to know and potency in depth. This obligation is lost, completely lost. When we follow this list, we can at most hope for the happiness in future , suppress and cut off desire, drive and adherence. The obligation to know and to resolve these agonies disappears. The past dose not change .The past decided totally the present. The scholars don’t recognize the reciprocal relation between the past and the present. The present is decided onesidedly by the past .The future is also decided by the present. Man must endure the present with give- up- feeling. Man can at most only accumulate the earthly good deeds. and wait for the result in the future The succeeding articles makes the simple monotonous line in which causes and results are one-sidedly decided .The accumulation of human deed for which man can do nothing and must only endure, we call Goukanengi. It means that human life is only the mass of guilt and badness. It means also that human life is a fixxed destination. Extremely saying, man can be saved only by his death.
These thinking made religious training totally nonsense. The theory only means that only to destroy the sense ,feeling and delight is the object of training. The life itself may be meaningless. The trainees of the party budduhism wanted to cut down and annihilated all desires and senses. These deeds is the lost of human senses and nihilism. The later appeared Daizoubudduhist criticized these theory and call it Kesinmecchi This word means to make body ash and to destroy the knowledge and sadness. Budda’s teaching is full of revers、irony and paradox. Most people accept his words literally and then give these answer. The party Buddhist had not the adequate attitudes for the religion. He wanted for himself to be saved without of others. For the religion this attitude is taboo. The saving occurs only in relation with others. If a man is saved , at the same time other is saved. This is the fundamental principle of the religion.
17 8-29

Nichiren and Shinran (16)

2021-08-28 21:43:58 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran(16)
 Chapter 2 Everything-not-existence theory and Not-I theory
Section 2 Abidaruma

Here is the important question. Law is the fundamental elements. Is law existence or appearance? Here I used the word from using in the European way. If law is existence, this saying contradicts the fundamental principle of Buddhism. Budduhism insists on, everything has not existence , everything always appearing and simultaneously disappearing, running and passing from future through present to pass ,everything ever [Not-I] If everything is temporary, soul is temporary, And every realities are temporary
Naturally the soul on which I (ego) is depending and standing on is temporary illusion. This is very bad circumstance for men. The training method can’t be integrated. Common intelligence arrive at the common result. Budda said, you should live in illusion. Right
but cruel. Then scholars tried to make the compromise. Law doss not really exist but law functions practically. All law momentary appears and momentary disappears. Law seems existent but dose not exist. Law is at last only the illusion. Time runs from future to past. In this course something appears. It’s the law. Abidaruma scholars saved the time and discarded the thing .They made the very exquisite logics. But they forgot more important principle. That is the man, the integration of thing time and man. This problem became works of the later developed teaching, which was called DaizyouBuddhism (great ship Budduhism.).
I will this very important point. Law occurs momentarily and falls momentarily. Law is in principle illusion .Law is illusion only in the running from past to future. But in the momentary present can exist. Abidaruma scholars presume time to be existent and certified the function and being of law which is in principle temporary. In this way the time was mecanised and Fixed., This operation had influenced Buddhism’s trainng principle
16 8-28


2021-08-28 21:10:34 | Weblog




2021-08-28 12:25:59 | Weblog

1 温帯多雨の気候、海による外敵の排除、縄文文化は10000年前から高度な生活形態をとっていたらしい。
2 したがって農業生産力が大きい 争わなくても充分食ってゆける
 3 大和系と出雲系の和解 神武東征はあったが支配非支配の関係は無かった 古事記崇神天皇の章を参照
 4 早期から土地私有は進む 開墾 行基の活躍 大仏建立 上下の提携
 5 仏教の存在 素朴な自然信仰と高度な哲学倫理の集合
 6 支配・被支配の仲介者としての仏教の存在 仏教の非国教化 信仰の自由
7 開発領主としての武士層の発展 武士と農民の相互移行、名主そして武士
8 仏教と皇室と武士の三者相互関係 相互に依存 相互に牽制
9 摂関制、第二権力者としての藤原氏の台頭 武士と権力の土地寄進の仲介
10 摂関制による皇位継承の安定 男系一統
11 天皇と摂関による二重権力 中央地方における部族性の解体 
12 武士の台頭、私有、防衛、戦闘、技術そして衆議
13 儀礼の主宰者、文化の守護者としての天皇
14 土地開発私有の発展 下剋上、緩慢なる階層の変遷上昇
15 徳川幕藩体制、都市の族生 農民の耕作権(私有権)の保証
16 現人神天皇の権威の下における統治権と所有権の分離
17 比較的平等で勤勉平和自由な社会

Nichiren and Shinran (15)

2021-08-27 21:38:35 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (15)

Chapter(2) Ever succeeding theory and Not-I theory
Secition 2 Abidaruma and a small ship

(1)The party Buddhists studied Abidarumakosha ,in general Daruma. Their interests were centered on Daruma. Daruma is law. Law ,it is the fundamental elements of inside and outside. Budda’s teaching inhibited existence of elements. Men negate always these elements , however the Buddhists can ‘t represent their experience and also can’t communicate their opinions. Grasping phenomena ,it’s impossible. Therefor scholars presumed existence of law. They permitted the temporary law. And then they studied how exist this temporary laws. Under this presumption they defined and pictured every thing ,every affair from soul of individual, reality of its surrounding and each stage that the trainees reached . The scholars first classified all phenomena to five forms. The terminology [form] nearly equals [Aristotle’s Eidos].Five forms are following.
Phenomena in the outer world
Soul itself  
function of soul
abstract relation which bind and connect all phenmena
complete freedom ( everything-not-connected-state)
To these five fundamental forms exist the five fundamental contents. This terminology[content] nearly equals [Aristotle’s Hyure]. Five contents are following.
Recognize and know
Other three terms define the intermediate state between phenomena and recognition. These five contents can explain ,organize, integrate and classify every affaire .I will emphasize that without form any content dose’nt exist. The reverse thesis of course true.
On the thesis of the fundamental forms and contents, man can define the relation of soul and outer world, from the earthly dimension to the highest stage which trainees obtained. The chief method of training is Yoga(Zen). The stages are defined. All states are seventy five. Man named five forms and seventy five states. The concrete explanation of each state are omitted. I recommend the following understanding. Every affair becomes defined from subjective and objective side, both side. Definition is important. Definition itself has important meanings.
15 8-27

菅首相は辞めるな  挙国一致内閣を

2021-08-27 15:22:35 | Weblog
 菅首相は辞めるな  挙国一致内閣を




2021-08-27 11:14:42 | Weblog


NIchiren and Shinran (14)

2021-08-26 22:29:45 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran
Chapter 2 everything-succeeding-theory and Not-I theory

Section 2 Abidaruma a small ship
The disciples have started after the death of Budda .They assembled together ,formed the groups and checked, sorted the thinking which they had been taught and heard by Budda In this way had been made the before Budda’s death teachings which may be true Budduhism. This operation was called binding and assembly (Ketuzyu). The group who believed , Dudda’s thoughts and deeds completely right and true , are called Budduhism group. The movement of the group took two directions. One is the direction of the academism. Another is the mass-movement.
The former began to edit the Buddhism writings. The Budda’s direct teaching named Kyouzou ( stock of teaching). Many teachers explained the contents of Kyouzou.and made the big assembly of writings. These writings were named Ronzou (the systematic assembly of explanation and disputing.) The third group was assembly of disciplines which Budda made ,named Rituzou. Budda’s teachings ware many. The chief teaching which had been transmitted,was Agonkyou. The writings which named the Budda-directly-teachings were many and various. But a lot of these writings are not writings which Budda direcly spoke. Hokekyou Kegonkyou and Kanmuryouzyukyou (about these writings later explain) these all writings were written by another men or grope using Budda’s name. The most direct teaching of Budda is Agonkyou in the into Chinese translated writing and Pari languadge writing which are respected in Asean and Suriranka.
One group studied and explained the writings of the primary Buddhism. This group developed explanation of the literal study. Budda was not a scholar. He did not teach systematically. He taught a concrete case ,through his deep mataphysical intuition and his stlong carismaship. When man thought on the popular human level, there were many conflicts ,the false writings also existed. The scholars began to judge and investigate the writings of the primary Buddhism. The writings which had been made in later times were excluded. The sentences ,phrases, words were logically integrated and systematized. These operations make everything difficult and ununderstandable. We use for example often words , body and man. If we try to define strictly these words, we need the very large amount of another words. 1 plus1equal 2. This equation is a common knowledge. When mathematician wants to examines this so-called manifest affair, these works go over our power. The operations for the Buddhism writings was same. In these ways was built a large amount of the system of explanation and investigation. This system was called Abidaruma.
 The development of Abidaruma had born the difference of interpretations and opinions.
This academism groups followed the custom of [ scholars always dispute and fight each other] and continued to split. Before and after 0 year appeared 20-21parties. These groups which dispute about small deference was called party Buddhism. The name means a small ship. Because of small it can save only a few men. In the development many logics were made. Among them I will introduce one book ,Abidarumakousha that which the most Japanese priests read. Abidarumakosha was written by Sesin about 4th-5th century in India. I will center on this book and explain its contents, only the contents which are necessary for us now.
14 8-26