

Nichiren and Shinran (80)

2021-10-31 20:45:46 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (80)
Chapter 5 The great times The dialogue with hokekkyou
Section 4 Everything circulates Tendaichigi

These 10 articles are the simple and the concentrated explanations of the fundamental styles of the experience in the right zen method .
At first the trainee watches the wonder . Then from the watching was born the feeling of mercy naturally . The trainee understands the law , believes the teacher and at the same time teaches the law .The process of the training become stable and wide. The various obstacles on the way of the training break the trainee through the distinct four phrases and made the way to practice .For the insufficient part he uses the methods of the party Buddhism and the six haramitu . He confirms each arrived step , is not too proud . He is patient and dose not continue to live the reached state . So Chigi required.
I wrote the outline of the zen practice which was written in the Makasikan. The most marked and important point is that the target of the training is set on the head . Using another sentence , the purpose of the training becomes the method of the training .The most typical is watch the wonder .If the trainee can watch the wonder , can experience both sides of human being ,taking the insight and the lives in the earth , the more training is unnecessary .But Chigi set the last purpose in the beginning . From the beginning the possibility was recognized and consented. The succeeding training is the process to confirm or to be aware of this fact .In the beginning the trainee can take insight , later only actualize with deed ,zen practice . In the thought of Chigi the reason to take the insight ( logical insight ) has the important role. Therefor I focus my explanation on [ watch the wonder] .Watch the wonder , is the trigger , all the process and the result (conclusion) .The importance is that this process necessarily occurs , succeeds . The importance is that all the possibility to occur and to succeed is hidden and buried in the first article [watch the wonder] .The purpose and the process compensate for ,each others The purpose is the same as the process. The core of Chigi’s thought is [ total is one ]..What insures and certifies the absolute possibility to be saved ? That is the logic of zikkaigoku .Before I explain this logic , I shall study the thought of Ryuuzyu .once more. Without Ryuuzyu Tendai Chigi did not exist. .

  10-31 80

「君民令和、美しい国日本の歴史」 序文

2021-10-31 02:44:02 | Weblog
   「君民令和、美しい国日本の歴史」 序文

以来は。 玩味熟読されたい。

Nichiren and Shinran (79)

2021-10-30 21:42:03 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (79)
Chapter 5 The great times the dialogue with hokekyou
Section 4 Everythig circulates Tendai Chigi

The first article of the right training method of zen has the 10 steps. Each step occurs and succeeds . I will explain each step one by one .
1 watch the wonder
When negatively defining , the wonder is the state which can’t become the object of thinking and which can’t be grasped logically .When positively defining , wonder is the state which lies between the insight and earth living .wonder is state which is in the both sides and simultaneously is neither in one side nor in another side .Look at this state. So Chigi said. If man can do so , the training is not necessary. But Chigi ordered to look at the wonder from the beginning of the training. The cause and the result are reversed . Chigi required this reversal . This attitude to show the bizarreness seemed to be the performance specific for the zen priest but there are the strictly established logic. Why ? These core concept of the Tendai school are Zikkaigogu and Kyoukansoubi. About these tow concepts I will explain later.
2 occurrence of mercy
Chigi said. When a man watches the wonder, the mind of mercy naturally occurs .Watching the wonder is to see both holiness and the earth simultaneously and to understand the reciprocal relation of both sides each other .Identifying the sacred of the earth is the absolute evenness of the everything all over the world. Budda is even with the people , therefor Budda can be Budda.Only on the proposition , I am you ,you are I..]
The merciful mind appears .
3 save the mind skillfully
To save the mind is the experience to identify the holy law with the acknowledgment in depth .The transmission of this state is emphasized.
4 break all laws
Law is existence which forms the base of the phenomena in both the holiness and the earth .Chigi taught to experience non existence as them selves .This request is the result after taking the insight .When the trainee can experience in the beginning stage, the training is not necessary .I understand this request that the trainee meats the various temporary facts as the temporary interpretation .Chigi classified the law as the obstacle in the training to tow classes. See following .
 False understandings – the erred thoughts born in the process of the training
Agony itself - the sensation , feeling and false meaning of value
How to treat these errors . Chigi only negated the error by the mechanical adaptation the Ryuuzyu’s method About Ryuuzyu see the chapter 2 section 4. In the contrary the place where the Ryuuzyu’ thought was adapted to the breaking all laws . I ought say so. Ryuzyu’s thinking was summarized in the following way .
Everything exists either in the world or in the another world
At the same time
Everything exists neither in the world nor in another world.
This thinking is named the division to four and integrate to one( Shikufunbet) ,in China and Japan . Chigi followed Ryuzyu’s thinking entirely . Chigi used and confused the concept of the law intentionally a little .The law is the holy being or the fundamental elements in the earth ? That is the big question .But Chigi overcame this gap though the zen practice later.
5 Knowledge to except the obstacles
This title means to except the obstacle in the way of the training. The concrete contents were not written.
6 Apply the known methods
The methods are the traditional methods in the abidarumakousya About Abidaruma see chapeter 2 section 2 . The traditional methods are the methods of the party budduhism which was comtempted and named the small ship budduhism . When the mathods from the first to the fourth are effectless, Chigi recommended the traditional methods .The almost training methods in the narrow meaning came from the party Buddhism. The daizyoubuddhism has tendence to proclaim and cry loudly . Daizyoubuddhism has almost nothing of training methods. Therefor they must borrow the concrete systematic methods from the party Buddhism .There for Chigi said ,if the four method was useless .But the traditional methods was the core of Buddhism.
7Treat the problem with another methods
When the practice progresses insufficiently ,other methods are recommended .The majority is the treatment in the six haramitu ( see chapter 3 section 3 ). The another methods are , to regulate the respiration , to watch the rotting dead body , to think about mercy and giving the goods and to imagine the Budda Various methods are recommended .These methods are not the chief method. The chief method is absolutely the zen practice .
8 don’t think that the trainee arrive at the summit
The trainee should think that above the himself is always other more excellent trainee.
Don’t be proud to reach the peak.
9 deal with the various troubles
The trainee should deal with trouble impatiently .
10 Don’t love zen practice itself
The trainee should not adhere to the state which is obtained .He must go out to the society and do the goodness .

10-30 79


2021-10-30 02:30:06 | Weblog
   君民令和、美しい国日本の歴史 目次
1 聖徳太子
2 大仏開眼
3 記紀神話
4 万葉集
5 神仏習合
6 摂関政治
7 勅撰和歌集
8 源氏物語
9 愚管抄
10 御恩と奉公
11 評定衆と貞永式目
12 座、一揆、悪党
13 連歌と茶道
14 親鸞と日蓮
15 徳川幕藩体制
16 武士道、男道
17 元禄時代
18 大岡忠相と田沼意次
19 細川重賢と上杉鷹山
20 調所広郷と村田清風
21 江戸時代の経済思想
22 荻生徂徠
23 本居宣長
24 文化としての天皇
25 歌舞伎と浮世絵
26 村方騒動
27 処士横議
28 明治維新
29 西郷隆盛
30 福沢諭吉と渋沢栄一

Nichiren and Shinran(78)

2021-10-29 10:56:49 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (78)
The Chapter 5 The great times dialogue with hokekyou
Section 4 Everything relates Tendaichigi
Chigi lectured in the south China . One of the disciples Syouan recorded its content. This writing was called Makashikan and became the most important textbook of zen training. Makashikan is composed of ten chapters. I shall take up the 7th chapter called Syousyuusikan ( the right training method of zen ) and focused only one section . This 7th chapter is the core of Makashika. The 7th chapter classified the training course to the ten steps. See following.
1 Fundamental styles of the experience ( onkainyuu)

I explain the term a little . Fundamental styles are phnomena ,sensation ,thinking , potency in depth ,acknowledgement which were defined as five laws in abidarumakousya . ( see chapter 2 section 2 ) This term means the every experiences which are born by the contact of the inner and the outer world . Makashikan requires to watch these fundamental experience . The experiences which appear as the result of watching become the materials to be watched.
2 Agony
When the trainee succeeds to watch , appear various agonies., for example anger and greediness etc.
3 Illness
Next the trainee becomes ill. This is also one of the course of watching .The trainee schold watch and treat the illness. The illness includes the mental illness.
4 Phase of the deeds in the past
There appear the rewards of the deeds as the various figures .Of course they are the object to watch.
5 magic
When the environment and the state of sensation changes , illusionary phenomena can occur .The transformation of the perception can occur easily .We consider that our perception and feeling stable . It is the misunderstanding .Insight is accompanied with acting out .The trainee should not forget the following fact .A man is no more anything the bubble in the river. A man is affected and transformed in various way.  
6 zen
In every situation the trainee should do zen . It is certified to practice zen training always .Chigi however don’t recommend the zen not always. Zen practice bears the pleasure . Chigi inhibited to be pleased of too much zen training. There can be zen addiction.
7 various opinions
In the course of zen training there can be various thoughts . Among them the different opinions and the heretic thought surely disturbs the training . The trainee should be not affected by them .
8 too much pride
9 tow vehicles
10 bosatu
About 8 th,9th and 10th steps there is nothing in the writings .Only a table of contents. are there . The concept of the tow vehicless I will explain once more again . The trainee who practise without the teacher is called Engaku. The trainee who only hears teacher’s opinion is called syoumon. The two kinds of the disciples are summarized as tow vehicles and severely blamed in every school. .
These 10 steps appears succeed and mixed .They appear neccesarily The trainee should experience and watch the 10 steps. The 10 steps are the result which the first step to watch the five law can bring back to the trainee . The self watch lets the transformation and the changing of consciousness and experience occur .The conflicts and the opposition occur too. The watch of these all is the alpha and the omega of the training.

 10-29 78


2021-10-29 10:56:49 | Weblog

 思い出したから簡単に触れておく。近時新日鉄が中国の宝山鋼鉄を知財侵害で訴えた。果たして最先端技術国がパテントの盗奪をしないといけないかねえ? 5-6年前には東海新幹線が車両一色供与した。模倣生産しないとの約束で。この約束は無視され盗んだ技術で高速車両を中国は作りまわっている。しかも自国が開発した技術だと称してね。

中国は科学技術最先端国  ???

2021-10-29 03:11:39 | Weblog
中国は科学技術最先端国  ???

  日本からのアジア地域への技術輸出   1.4兆円
  アジア地域からの日本への技術輸出     0円
         日本貿易の現状(JFTC) 2021年度版

Nichiren and Shinran (77)

2021-10-28 22:15:39 | Weblog
Nichiren nd Shinran (77)
Chapter 5 The great times the dialogue with hokekyou
Section 4 Everything circulates Tendaichigi

Hiei mountain Enryaku temple is in the north east area from Kyouto .This temple represented the Buddhism in Japan. Everybody in Japan knows this temple. The denomination of this temple is Tendaischool .This is also well known. From Tendai school appeared many other schools. Zyoudo school , the new zyoudo school , Zi school, Soudou school and Nitiren school ,including Tendai school as the chief school are six schools, more than the half of the Buddhism school in Japan. The creator of the Tendai school which rooted deep in japan is Tendaichigi . He actted from the end of the split China to the unification by ZUI dynasty. Chigi founded the theory which connects the real world with the holy insight on the base of the Ryuuzyu’thought and hokekyou . The circulation of everything and the reciprocal changing of the man and the law are the core concept of his thoughts . he was born 538 year as the second son of the bureaucrat of the RYOU dynasty in the south from Tyoukou .He heard some phrases in the 25th article of hokekyou .From then he was charmed by budduhism and chanted the writings.This is the transmitted tale about Chigi. The emperor of Ryou named Bu was the diligent Buddhist.10 years old the large confused revolt occurred. 17 years Ryou dynasty perished. The family of Chigi escaped to south. In the next year Chigi became the priest . 556 year the last south empire ,named Chin was established.
There were three important events in the lifetime of Ckigi. One of them was the meeting Nangakukeisi . Nangaku was famous as the strict zen trainer. Nangaku was well known for solitude,self education and patience . Nangaku compared their meeting with the meeting which occurred on the hill in hokekyou. Chigi followed Nangaku and studied
He did the zen practice and took the insight from the experience of the Yakuoubosatu in the 23 th article of hokekyou . The training seemed very hard because Yakuoubosatu was the model.
 When 30 years old, Chigi left Nangaku . He taught and led the disciples in the Kengyou the capital city of the RYOU dynasity. He could not be patient of the dullness of the disciples. dissoloved his meeting and retired to the mountain Tendai far from Kengyou and tried to train zen practice himself. Many famous trainee who believes hokekyou have the intense and passionate character such as Nangaku ,Chigi in China ,Saityou Nichiren in Japan. Chigi excised zen on the summit of Tendai mountain He experienced to see the devil and the demon .The goblin and the dragon threw up the fire, the black cloud appeared and surprised and threatened him. Chigi lived here 2 or 3 years By the rules which Saityou in Japan.made , the trainees must train in the Hiei mountain at least 8 years. In this period the trainees could not go out of the mountain. Saityou was the founder of the Tendai school in Japan. A bureaucrat of high rank in the dynasty visited Chigi and required to teach the younger men. When Chigi was 41 years, ,he came down from the mountain. He built the temple named Syuuzen He succeeded to teach and to train . When Chigi 52 years old, the TIN dynasty was destroyed. by the ZUI dynasty in the north China. Chigi lost the country and wondered here and there. Then he met the second son Kou. Kou became the emperor of ZUI dynasty. He became the famous emperor, Youdai . Youdai respected Chigi and required the Chigi’s opinion about the policy for the religion in the south China. The relation of both persons succeeded 10years until the death of Chigi. Chigi died 597 year when he aged 60 years old.
 Chigi lived from 538 to 597 year .In this times the confused land gradually became stable .China was unified as the central administrative state ( Rituryousei .)ZUI and TOU dynasty appeared .Chines people began again to enjoy the peace and the flourishment. In the confused 400 years KAN nation changed in the blood and the disposition . The symbol of the changes was the belief of the Buddhism. When Chigi was born ,Shintai voyaged and arrived at the south China He began to translate the yuishiki writings . When Chigi acted actively . almost every Buddhism writings were imported into China .In the north area the state led the propaganda of the Buddhism.In the south area the aristocrat class supported the Buddhism. In this period Chigi was born and acted. His most great achievement was to make up the clear logic of the Buddhism which KAN nation accepted and transformed . More concretely speaking Chigi gave the logical structure to hokekyou. Among the his writigs Hokkemonku ,Makashikan and Hokkegengi are the three great writings. I will explain Makashikan and Hokegengi and approach to the thought .
( a brief note)
Monku means assembly of phrase .Maka means very big . Shikan means zen .Gengi means precise explanation .

  10 28 77

Nichiren and Shinran(76)

2021-10-26 21:41:45 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (76)
Chapter 5 The great times the dialogue with hokekyou
Section 3 Buddhism in China

6 I have told about the surroundings of the Buddhism in China till now. I have explained the import and the translation of the writings and the state politics for the Buddhism. What are the contributions to the Buddhism itself by the Chinese ? Which theories,issues or sects of the Buddhism made the Chinese ? They formed the Tendaisect ,the Sanronsect and the Kegonsect as the theory. As the practice the contribution to the Zyoudothought and to the Zen practice are important. The Sanron school was formed by Kitizou in the period of ZUI dynasty and the beginning of the TOU dynasty. The Sanron school was comprised of the three chief writings, Tyuuron Zyuunimonron and Hyakuron. Tyuuron and Zyunimonron was written by Ryuuzyu. Hyakuron was written by his disciple Daiba. Kitizou pulled the hazyaknsei. Its meaning is to braek the evil and to let the right appear . When the evil is broken ,then the right appears naturaly. Kitizou said so. Because everything appears as temporariness , formlessness and their mean . Therfor right is behind the evil . break down the evil . so thought Kitizou. This is the simple edition of Ryuuzyu’s thought. Sanronschool tends to emphasize the breaking down the evil. This school exposed the weak point and the logical conflict. Naturally they are hated. The disciple of Ryuuzyu ,Daiba disputed with other school, made the quarrel and was killed. Ryuzyu’s thought is the thnking for the decision. At the moment, at the moment,at the each moment man should decide. Without this power man only blames other thought. Sanron school has not the concrete method which the mean person would like to posses.
At the opposite pole is the Kegon school. This school was built on the base of Kegon writing. Kegon writing told about the phase of Birushana-Budda as the accomplisher of the six Haramitu (each step of the discipline) . The character is the excellence of the drowing the ideal world. But the importance is in the way to the ideal. At this point is Kegon school entirely weak. Man can say, there is nothing. Kegon school in China was formed by Houzou. His understanding of Kegonwriting became more abstract. All is one ,one is all , everything cooperates, everything penetrate each other .,so Kegonschol said. Kegonschool insited on the harmony of everything.This thesis is true .We will not to believe however ,if all is harmonious .. Because there are disharmonies ,agonies and conflicts we need the believes .Kegonschool has the tendency to emphasize the harmony and to ignore the conflict in the world .Sanronschool is the weak dog which bark often .Kegonschool is the only the drawn treasure .
Tendai school was built by Chigi. The thought of this school is very important for the contents of the book which I am now writing .Therefor I will explain in the next chapter. The thought is the synthesis of the Ryuzyu’s thohght and the hokekyou. Ryuzyu cut off the conflicts of the worldliness and the holiness. He saved both being .But he leaved the wound . He did not synthesize the world and the holy .He did not bridge the gap between the worldness and the holiness.. Chigi bridged this gap with the hokekyou. This operation had been the most important problem of the Daizyoubuddhism since Hannya writing. Hokekyou buried the gap through the reciprocal movement of the time, the law and the man. Hokekyou proposed the houben as the appearance of the highest law . All is houben , Houben is the process ,the method and the essence of the law. Ryuzyu insisted on the reciprocal movement of the temporariness , the namelessness and the amidness .But Ryuuzyu’s thought did not touch how the three moments make the concrete relation . Ryuzyu could not this operation .Chigi filled this gap by the zyuunyoze as the general appearance of houben and built ten worlds as the bridge of this world and the holy being . Zyuunyoze is the system of ten moments which defines the affaires in the world.
 Chigi lived from the end of the south-north dynasty to the
beginning of the ZUIdynasty. Kitizou lived a little later Houzou was a person in the times of Sokutenbukou. These three persons who eatablished the Buddhism in China acted in the era when the central empire was built .I don’t think, that was a simple coincidence .
About the relation of the zyoudo thought and the Chinese thinking I have thought I decided that the zyoudothought was made in China .Before I told that the ideal area in this world can’t be in the Buddhism but the Taoism proposed it’s being. I think that zyoudo is a sort of this ideal land. The tendency to search for the real profit was specially conspicuous in the Chinese people . The zyoudo is imaged not only in the soul but also in the real lives.
I will tell a little about Zen school. The schools which are specialized for zen appeared in China for the first time. Zen (Yoga) itself has succeeded from the ancient India .Zen (yoga) is the fundamental technique in the Buddhism . Zen as the practice or technique was affected by many other thoughts and changed . The Chinese Buddhism took out the simple and unstable process which is the direct insight into the inner world .The Chinese Buddhism did the two operations to give the unstable deed the order .The first is the man to man leading through and through . This method includes the recognition by the teacher and the transmission ( personal or secret ) from the teacher to the disciple. The second is the method which connects the reality with the insight. Zenschool negates all the secret and mysterious phenomena . At the same time zen excludes all the representations through the language. What shall we do. Therfor zen school uses the paradox. The teacher-disciple-transmission and the use of paradox as the method are the results of the realism in China.

  10-26 76

Nichiren and Shinran (75)

2021-10-25 21:53:34 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (75)
Chapter 5 The great times the dialogue with hokekyou
Section 3 The Buddism in China

Other diligent supporters among the emperors was Butei in the RYOU dynasty. He addicted to the Buddhism .Next Buntei and Youdai of the ZUI dynasty. Youdai respected Tendaichigi, the builder of Tendai sect.( about Chigi see the following section) . Taisou in the TOU dynasty was the protector of Genzyou. His successor Kousou was the earnest believer of the Buddhism. In the era of Gensou the writings of Mikkyou (secret thought) were imported and systematically translated. These emperors took the position through the overcoming. The TOU dynasty issued the proof of the priest. The government examined and gave the successor the proof to be the priest. The priest should not pay the tax .At the same time the deed and the thought were severely administrated and ruled by the state.
I have written about the politics in China. I would like to emphasize that the Buddhism was the heresy. In China the orthodoxy has been the Confucianism in the upper class and the Taoism in the people. There were always troubles and struggles betwenn the both side. The Confucianism and the Taoism required the value in this world. They value many descendants, much of goods and long life .The Confucianism values keeping the order in the family , social honor and high position as the bureaucrat .Because the Confucianism considers the succession of the family to be the highest ethics , they dislike the buddhists who negate the family life . Even if the state protects and encourages the Buddhism , the official religion had been the Confucianism from the second century BC. When the TOU dynasty declined by the revolt ( 755 -763 ) , the Chinese Buddhism which depended on the power of the central government began to perish. Only the buddhistic practical deeds for example the Zen sect and the Zyoudoschool etc could survive . Without the development of the new theory these practices were changing to the popular custom.
The Buddhism in China reached the limit at the end of 7th century. The new Confucianism appeared. The Confucianism was affected by the Buddhism .The Confucianism absorbed the logics in the buddism and changed itself from the assemblies of the custom to the philosophy. The development of the new Confucianism began in the later half of the TOO dynasty and was accomplished by Suishi in the 12th century ,the era of south SOU dynasty. The new Confucianism is called Syushigaku or Sougaku.
The inevitable affairs in the development of the Chinese Buddhism, specially in the relation to the Confucianism, Taoism, and the state itself were the destructions of the Buddhism called Haibutu. The famous affaires occurred four times ,namely the affaire in the north GI 446 year , in the north SHUU 574 year , in the TOU 845 year and in the KOUSHUU 955 year .All the persons who decided to destroy the Buddhism were excellent emperors. The most important reason to destroy the Buddhism was the fact that the temples and the priests became the big obstacles against the emperors politics. The innumerable illegal priests appeared . The priest was free from the payment pf tax and from the military service . Therefor the state became poor and the army power weakened. In the contrary the temples were rich through the contribution of the field. The etic of the priests and the temples was lost and fell. The emperor was angry and decided to destroy the Buddhism. The temples were destroyed or confiscated .The image of the Budda was melted and used for other purpose. The priest became a soldier or a peasant. Behind the affaires the confucianist and the taoists moved and approved.
 Because the buddhism didn’t rooted in China the distrution of the Buddhism often occurred. The Chinese Buddhism was always ruled and protected by the state and didn’t penetrated into the people. The Buddhism in China has not yet developed no more.The protection was lost, the development ended. The protector changed to the persecuter . It is the interesting trial to compare the chinese Buddhism with the Buddhism in Japan. The development of the manor and the field assemblage by the temples occurred in Japan too . Many Japanese priests were armed. The temples possessed more than half of the field. Souhei (armed priests) were the everyday affairs. . The unofficial priest helped and supported the development of Buddhism. They made the new buddhism.The affaires which worried the emperors in China also worried the Japanese governor. But in Japan the destruction never was done entirely. From where the difference come . I can say only the following explanation. When the dynasty changed in China , the power of the government was concentrated to the emperor Therefor the belief or the religion could not free from the administration. The religious thought could not be free from the might of the government. The high degree of the religious sense did not establish in the people.In Japan the government’ power dispersed rapidly to the country .The power of the central administration always did the up and down movement called Gekokuzyou. The central power became thin and symbolized. These movement of the power gave the development of the buddhisim the good situations. The Buddhism is the foreign religion. Buddhism itself has the tendence to reject the concentration of the political might. Not-ego, emptiness, reciprocal changing of each other and the sameness of being, nothing and movement of both are the central conception of the Buddhism . Meaningful or meaningless the concepts of the buddhism are. When the manors developed , the emperor in China confiscated them. In Japan also increased the manors more and more .The central power weakned .But from the manors appeared the fighters (called Bushi) and the farmers .The wealth of the agriculture increased. The merchants and the manual workers made the grope ( called Za ) and produced various goods. They required the believes which adapted to their circumstance . Buddhism also answered their needs. The power was dispersed because of coming of Buddhism ? The Buddhism was established because the power in Japan was dispersed ? This is one of the most interesting problems of the history in Japan.
The destruction of the Buddhism was succeeding in China. In the large confused revolt named Taiheitengoku which occurred at the middle of the 19th century. All the buddhism temples under this revolt power were destroyed .The communism may be a sort of the destruction of the Buddhism.  

10-25 75