

Sep. 19 (Sun)

2004-09-20 | Weblog

Today I went to a Museum of Philadelphia. This is famous for a movie "Rocky". He goes up stairs of this museum and screams or something. Well, I haven't seen it yet, I heard a scene was like that.
I took a subway from my dorm and took a walk. It was a wonderful place I loved it so much! Not only a museum but also surroundings. I like Philadelphia so much.
# museum of philadelphia


2 コメント

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Rocky (Yumiko)
2004-09-24 15:07:45
Wow, you like Rocky movies? Actually my friend told me that I had to go upstairs without stop like Rocky did. So I didn't take a photo of stairs. But I will take a picture next time!
Unknown (Aaron)
2004-09-20 22:10:38
I`m soooooooooooo jealous!!!! It`s my life dream to climb those stairs and do what Rocky did. It`s the most famous scene in all the 5 Rocky movies. It`s in Rocky 1. You are lucky!!! Did you take a photo of the stairs?
