仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

A Short Story(2) 

2019年10月10日 | ★STARRY★







“… In response to this, we declare that we will no longer allow alternative intelligences, AIs, to enter our planet and risk the lives of our citizens.”

“What?! That’s not fair. AIs won’t risk people’s lives!” Yunce shrugged.

“Listen, Yunce.  A group of AIs started a riot on planet Peligro and took up the reins of power.”

“My god! Did they?”

“Yes! They overthrew the government and took control of the whole planet. It was terrible. Trust me, Yunce. It’s not something that happened so far away. Our government considers AIs to be extremely dangerous.”

“What do you …”

“Shhh!” Paz interrupted, and put his ear to the door. “They are coming to get you!”  He looked around the room. “You had better go now. Quick, climb out of the window!”

“What? Don’t you realize that this is the 14th floor? How can I do that?” Yunce screamed.

“Think! You are an AI, aren’t you? You are equipped with built-in wings, surely?” 

“You’ve got to be kidding! I’m not some kind of super robot in a hero anime!” No sooner had Yunce replied, than Paz broke the window with his right hand, then grabbed Yunce’s collar with his left.

“Wait, wait! What are you doing?” 

“I showed you my human power. Now, you show me your AI power! Don’t take it badly.” Paz held Yunce outside the window and let him go.

“Hey! Wait!”  As he fell into unconsciousness, Yunce felt his emergency system starting to work. 


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