仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

A Short Story(8)

2019年11月21日 | ★STARRY★

“We grow hundreds of kinds of fruit and vegetables here.  Look at this.” The room was like a forest but where grasses and plants came out of the floor, the walls and the ceilings.  “We generate oxygen, water and sun light here, as you know, and controlling their levels makes fruit and vegetables grow much faster.  Our grow-maximizing system, G.M.S, made it possible for them to grow hundreds of times quicker than usual, and that’s why the cafeteria can provide guests with fresh salad, fresh juice or a fruit basket whenever they are ordered.”

“I have a question, sir.  Are they good enough to sustain all the people here for a year-long trip?” a tall boy with two big horns on his head asked.

“Well, it’s very simple.  Fresh vegetables contribute to just a small part of our food system.”

“What is it, sir?” the boy asked again.

“Well, most of the food we take here is made of our food-recycling system.”

“Food recycling?”


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