English Collection



2015年03月16日 | 英語の本を読む

さていつもの英語の勉強です。The Art of ChoosingのSong of Myselfの章からの引用です。
The music we choose to play on our stereos will probaly say more about us than the brand of stereo we play it on, as music choice is supposed to be determined purely by personal taste.
To rip playlist directly off a trendy music blog or a friend in-the-know, or to exactly copy outfits from a movie or magazine, is to announce to the world that we have no mind of our own.
" in-the-know" 、動詞の "know" に定冠詞が付いている変わった表現です。文脈からするとここでは音楽に詳しい、精通しているの意味の様ですが、辞書で確認します。"in-the-know" の項目はありませんでしたが、ハイフンのつかない "in the know" で次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Be aware of something known only to a few people: he had a tip from a friend in the know: the horse was a sure bet
・Collins Dictionary: aware or informed: The woman next to her would be in the know, though as far as the others were concerned, they'd have met only on the journey.
・Macmillan Dictionary: people in the know have more information about something than other people: Those in the know say he will resign before Christmas.

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