English Collection



2015年03月09日 | 英語の本を読む

The Art of Choosing by Iyengar Sheenaを読み始めました。うろ覚えですが、確かNHKの番組のスーパープレゼンテーションでIyengar Sheenaのプレゼンを聴き、地元の図書館の蔵書にこの本があったので読むことにしたのだと思います。
第一章The Call of the Wildは動物園の動物は餌を自分で探す必要がなく、天敵から身を守る必要のない天国の様な環境に住んでいるが、何の選択もできない生活であると説明しています。そこからの一部を引用します。
Due to these physically and psychologically harmful effects, captivity can often result in lower life expectancies despite objectively improved living conditions. Wild African elephants, for example, have an average life span of 56 years as compared to 17 years for zoo-born elephants. Other deleterious effects include fewer biths (a chronic problem with captive pandas) and high infant mortality rates (over 65 percent for polar bears.)
覚えたい単語は "deleterious" です。前に "harmful effects" とあるので "harmful " と同じような意味と推測できますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Causing harm or damage: divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children 丁寧な説明があるVocabulary.comも離婚が子供に与える影響に触れています。
If something is deleterious, it does harm or makes things worse. Smoking has obvious deleterious effects on your health, not to mention your social life.
My parents were worried that their divorce would have a deleterious effect on us kids, but in the end it was less harmful than watching them fight all the time. For most plants, a lack of sunlight has very deleterious consequences, but there are some plants that actually do very well in the dark. It's a wonder, given how well-established the science is, that we continue to do things that are deleterious to the fragile ecosystem. We must be willing to live with the deleterious effects.

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