English Collection



2015年03月19日 | 英語の本を読む

今日の単語はThe Art of ChoosingのI, Robot?の章からです。
For me, the names couldn't make the colors look better or worse, so I simply wanted as objective a description of each color as possible. Ironically, I--the blind person--was concerned primarily with the visual properties of the color, while the sighted people were evaluating the color "package." I didn't care about the name--an adulterant, I thought--precisely because I couldn't see the color.
"adulterant" は直ぐに "adultery" を連想(あくまで単語ですが)してしまいます。語源的に関係があるのでしょうか? "adulterant" を辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A substance used to adulterate another.: The adulterants ranged from water in the case of milk, cheaper varieties of oils in the case of edible oils to colours in the case of rice and tea.
・Vocabulary.com: any substance that lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance: it is necessary to remove the adulterants before use
・Wiktionary: That which adulterates; or reduces the purity of.
上記最初の辞書の定義を見た時は、動詞の "adulterate" も見なくてはと思いましたが、その必要は無いですね。しかし、"adultery" との語源的な繋がりを確かめたいので "adulterate" をONLINE ETYMOLOGYで見ると:
1530s, back-formation from adulteration, or else from Latin adulteratus, past participle of adulterare "to falsify, corrupt," also "to commit adultery." Earlier verb was adulter (late 14c.).
"adultery" の項には次の説明がありました。
"voluntary violation of the marriage bed," c.1300, avoutrie, from Old French avouterie (12c.), noun of condition from avoutre, from Latin adulterare "to corrupt" (see adulteration).
やはり "adultery" は昔から不純で夫婦の絆を壊す行為なのですね。

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