English Collection


make the call

2015年03月27日 | 英語の本を読む

The Art of ChoosingのAnd Then There Were Noneの章からの引用です。
Julie is your premature baby, born after only 27 weeks of gestation and weighing less than two pounds. She's critically ill from having suffered a brain hemorrhage. For these reasons, she is being treated in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a renowned academic hospital, her life sustained by a machine that helps her breathe.
After much delivberation, they have decided that it's in Julie's best interest that they withdraw treatmen--by turning off the ventilation machine--and let her die.
And parents who make this choice in real life are often worse off than parents whose doctors make the call.
引用文の最後に出てきた "make the call" の "call" はかなり前に覚えた表現 "It's your call." の "call" と同じだと文脈から分かりますが、この表現は初めてだと思うので取り上げました。 "call" の意味を辞書で再確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A decision, judgement, or prediction: personally, I'm all in favor, but it's your call
・Cambridge English Dictionary: informal: a decision: It was a tough call, but eventually I decided to give up my job.
・Wiktionary: decision or judgement. That was a good call.
引用文の状況下では確かに医者に判断を任せたくなる気持ちは分かりますが、最近のニュースで聞いた、腹腔手術で多くの患者を死なせたような酷い医者も世の中にはいるので、やはりここは "It's your call." でしょう。

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