English Collection


Music to flee from

2014年10月12日 | 英語の本を読む

Either Portland, Oregon, is not a happening place or its train staion totally is, because young men have taken to hanging out in it.
Numerous attempts to disperse the crowds have all failed. Now, apparently, the authorities have delved into their own youths for a solution by asking themselves: what would drive me away? The answer: opera. And classical music. Blared over the station's speakers during a pilot programme.
It worked!
There was a drop in 18-to-25-year-olds loitering once the fat lady sang. In one incident, a young guy stormed out of the station just as Bizet's Carmen proclaimed her love for he who does not love her. Half a world away, the Britisch Royal Navy is blaring Britney Spears at Somali pirates. "These guys can't stand Western music," an officer told metro.co.uk. "As soon as they get a blast of Britney, they move on as fast as they can. It's so effective that the ship's guards rarely need to fire guns."

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