English Collection


gel with

2014年10月17日 | 英語の本を読む

Japan Times Online Oct.2の映画批評の記事に以前取り上げた単語が使われていました。
Million Dollar Arm: ‘Even Disney can’t completely botch a baseball tale’
There’s something about baseball that truly gels with movies. My secret conviction is that it’s impossible to make a really terrible baseball movie. Even Disney can’t botch it up completely, which is why their new true-to-life baseball tale “Million Dollar Arm” will wind up making you cry and glad to be alive and all that.
しかし、上に出てきた "gel" 以前取り上げた引用文での意味とは違いますね。今度の "gel" は次の意味でしょう。
・Macmillan Dictionary: when a group gels, the people in it start to form a good relationship with each other or start working together effectively: We gelled as a group, right away.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If two or more people gel, they form a good relationship or become friends: The team really gelled during the first few games of the season.


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