English Collection



2013年08月08日 | 英語学習
今日覚えたい単語はJuly 5のJapan Times Onlineの記事にありました。
Shakespeare, in one of Nelson Mandela’s favorite lines, now strangely apposite, says that “the valiant never taste of death but once.” As the world waits for Mandela to make his final rendezvous with history, one woman ? his third wife ? who has been at his bedside throughout his illness, and now keeps vigil there, is almost perfectly cast for her role. Graca Machel (pronounced Mah-shell) has, after all, been here before.
マンデラ元南ア大統領も年には勝てなくなって来た様だ。 さて、"apposite" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: well suited for the purpose; appropriate; apt: It was simply that she thought in both languages, and selected the most apposite phrase from either.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: highly pertinent or appropriate: apt: apposite remarks: enriched his essay on patriotism with some very apposite quotations from famous people on the subject
・Vocabulary.com: being of striking appropriateness and pertinence: Something apposite is fitting or relevant. It is apposite that radio stations play Christmas carols on Christmas Eve, and that your tax accountant takes vacation after April 15th. It all makes sense.
"apposite" は"opposite" とほとんど逆の意味だと覚えておこう。
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