English Collection



2013年08月13日 | 英語学習
久し振りに小説を読みます。と言っても、The Rose Tatoo by Tennessee Williamsなので実際は戯曲です。最近ヤクザでもなさそうなのに刺青をしている人を見掛けますが、この本を選んだのはその事とは無関係で、単に本が厚くなかったからです。
この本から最初に取り上げる単語は本文ではなくIntroduction by John Patrick Shanleyの個所にありました。その序文の最初の部分を引用します。
The Rose Tatoo is over the top. It is a lurid play, redolent of the smell of goats, the cries of ragged children and squawing birds. Its perimeters are defined by women, hairy-legged women, gossiping clownish women, whores, and witches. The scenic descriptios call for red and more red. Tha language is riddled with roses, rose oil, wallpater with a rose motif, rose tatoo, and a daughter named Rosa. The play is set on the Gulf Coast, in a Sicilian community. You can feel, just out of view, the pases of the sea.
さて、上の引用個所にある "redolent" が今日の単語です。早速辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary:
2.postpositive; foll by of or with having the odour or smell (of); scented (with) ⇒ a room redolent of country flowers
3.postpositive; foll by of or with reminiscent or suggestive (of) ⇒ a picture redolent of the 18th century
・Macmillan Dictionary:
reminding you of something: redolent of: The building was redolent of the 1950s.
smelling of something: redolent of/with: The air was redolent with the smell of wood smoke.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
a: full of a specified fragrance : scented: air redolent of seaweed
b: evocative, suggestive: a city redolent of antiquity
"remind" と似ていますが、普通匂いに関係がるのですね。
When something is redolent of something, it makes you think of that thing by making a pretty strong impression on you. He had a shifty eye redolent of years of lying and petty crime.
People used to use redolent of something with a strong, distinctive odor. Now, think of it as "stinks of" ? but in a fancy way. If you're touring an old castle, you might say that the worn carpet and handsome woodwork are redolent of the place's former glory, though otherwise it's a dump.
匂いで思い出すもの... 何でしょう? 鰻ですかね。高くなりました。絶滅危惧種になったら、それこそ食べられなくなり、匂いだけの思い出になるのも現実になるかも?

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