English Collection



2013年08月02日 | 英語学習
同時に複数の事をするのは良くないというReader's Digest 6月号の記事、ONE THING at a TIME, PLEASE から引用します。
And for Dr Nass, the problems of multitasking extend beyond the brain. He believes it will lead to humanity becoming emotionally stunted. "Human emotions play out through things like face and voice," he says. "If people aren't paying attention [because they're multitasking] they'll miss a number of emotional cues."
上に出てきた "stunted" の意味が分かりません。スタントマンの "stunt" と関係はあるのでしょうか?
・Collins Dictionary: to prevent or impede the growth or development of (a plant, animal, etc)
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of: an emotionally stunted child
・Vocabulary.com: To stunt is to slow or hinder. Some people say that drinking coffee will stunt your growth when you're a teenager ? they worry that you won't grow any taller.
Poor nutrition can stunt your growth, and bad soil will do the same for a plant ? a lack of moisture or nutrients will stunt the development of your lettuce or tomatoes. Another meaning of stunt is a dangerous trick, the kind performed in an action movie or by planes in an air show. The root of "check the growth" is the Old English stunt, "short witted or foolish," while the "trick" kind of stunt comes from nineteenth century American college slang.
スタントマンの方の "stunt" の意味は学生の俗語として後から生まれたのですね。
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