English Collection


Hail Columbia

2013年08月21日 | 英語学習
THE DOG ENCHANTED BY THE DIVINE VIEWはほんの15ページの戯曲ですが、採り上げたい表現が一つだけありました。  CLARA: Yeah. He come (sic) out between the two houses and stood just like a tree! Right there on the lawn between this house and their house, eyes bugging out of his head while my daughter undressed! --She shouldn't of had the shade up, but a girl of fourteen is still innocent in her mind. And ought to stay so. Oh, did I give him "Hail Columbia" when I seen him at it! I happened to be outside myself at that time. And since that time we have never exchanged one word, not even hello!--him or that woman either! "Hail Columbia" はスペースシャトル、コロンビアの無事帰還を祝っている台詞のようですが、ここではそんな意味のわけがありません。全く反対の意味をもつ台詞に違いありません。辞書で確認します。
・Dictionary.com: hell (used as a euphemism): He caught Hail Columbia for coming home late.
・YourDictionary.com: Slang a severe beating, punishment, scolding, etc. なるほどHellを意味する俗語ですね。 しかし面白いことに "Hail Columbia" はWikipediaによると:  It was used in the United States as a de facto national anthem for most of the 19th century, but lost popularity after World War I when it was replaced by the Star-Spangled Banner in 1931. だそうです。
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