English Collection


long shot

2011年08月15日 | 英語学習
MURDER at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Clubで殺されたShig Manabeがmemoirsを書いていた事を知り、Kawamura警部はそのmemoirsを入手し、殺された原因を突き止めるヒントは無いかと入念に読み始めました。
Kawamura made a note to check on Hamada's mother's maiden name. It was a long shotlong shot" には大穴の意味があったと思いますが、Hamadaが犯人だとしたら大穴と言うことでしょうか。 辞書で "long shot" を確認します。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: something you try although it is unlikely to be successful: It's a long shot, but you could try phoning him at home.
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic, nautical) Something unlikely; something that has little chance of happening or working. The term arose from the accuracy of early ship guns, which were effective only at close range and unlikely to hit the mark at any great distance.: We can try your plan, but it's a long shot and it probably won't work.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Fig. a risky bet; an attempt, bet, or proposition that has a low probability of success.: Your solution is a long shot, but we'll try it and hope it works.
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