English Collection


friendly fire

2011年08月04日 | 英語学習
東北大震災の関係で、私の住んでいる区も隣の区のどちらも恒例の花火大会を今年は中止しました。 そんな中で、"friendly fire" と言う、外面は良いが、恐ろしい意味の単語を知りました。 USA Todayから二つの記事を引用します。
・"Over the past three days, we set fire under the feet of Gadhafi forces everywhere," Col. Hamid al-Hasi, a rebel battalion commander, told AP. He said the rebels attacked "in very good coordination with NATO" to avoid friendly-fire incidents. "We don't move unless we have very clear instructions from NATO."

・Mary Tillman, the mother of the former pro football player who died from friendly fire in Afghanistan, calls on Obama to withdraw McChrystal's appointment because of his alleged role in seeking to cover up details of her son's death.
"friendly fire" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: shots fired at you accidentally by soldiers from your own army
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: during a war, shooting that is hitting you from your own side, not from the enemy: Three soldiers were killed by friendly fire when a mortar bomb hit their truck.
・Wiktionary: Weapons fire from allied or friendly forces, as opposed to fire coming from enemy forces or enemy fire.
・DOD Dictionary of Military Terms: In casualty reporting, a casualty circumstance applicable to persons killed in action or wounded in action mistakenly or accidentally by friendly forces actively engaged with the enemy, who are directing fire at a hostile force or what is thought to be a hostile force.
何故か福島原発事故も "friendly fire" と同じだなと思いました。
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