MURDER at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis ClubのKawamura警部の家族が運転中に何ものかに襲われ大怪我をし、妻と二人の子供が皆救急車で病院に運ばれました。 連絡を受けた警部は急いで病院に駆けつけます。
Kawamura ran into Noriko's sister and her husband outside the nurse's station. They lived in Chiba and had responded to Suzuki-san's call immediately. The sister was in tears, her husband was in his cups.
Norikoは警部の奥さんです。 奥さんの姉/妹は泣いているのですが、その夫は "in his cups" とありますが、どんな状態なのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: in your cups, old-fashioned: drunk
・Infoplease: in one's cups, intoxicated; drunk.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.: Euph. drunk. She doesn't make much sense when she's in her cups. The speaker-who was in his cups-could hardly be understood.
なるほどワンカップ大関を思い起せば良いかな、いや、常に複数形の "cups" が使われるのでワンカップでは足りません。
追記 "cup" を含んだ慣用句として以前 "my cup runneth over" (Ref. ) を取り上げています。
Kawamura ran into Noriko's sister and her husband outside the nurse's station. They lived in Chiba and had responded to Suzuki-san's call immediately. The sister was in tears, her husband was in his cups.
Norikoは警部の奥さんです。 奥さんの姉/妹は泣いているのですが、その夫は "in his cups" とありますが、どんな状態なのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: in your cups, old-fashioned: drunk
・Infoplease: in one's cups, intoxicated; drunk.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.: Euph. drunk. She doesn't make much sense when she's in her cups. The speaker-who was in his cups-could hardly be understood.
なるほどワンカップ大関を思い起せば良いかな、いや、常に複数形の "cups" が使われるのでワンカップでは足りません。
追記 "cup" を含んだ慣用句として以前 "my cup runneth over" (Ref. ) を取り上げています。