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England to Israel via Cyprus

2024-03-22 12:30:07 | 翻訳記事 Translation


 In that Middle East, Israeli troops with the military support of the United States and the United Kingdom are currently massacring Palestinian residents in Gaza. There is a logistics line from the UK to Israel via Cyprus, and the US is involved. If the U.S. and the U.K. were so inclined, the slaughter would stop immediately.

 The "founding" of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948. In order to create a new "country" in the place where the Arab population lived, and to eliminate its indigenous population, the Zionists launched "Operation Daret" in early April of 1948, and the Irgun and Stern gangs, a terrorist organization born out of the Haganah, attacked the village of Deir Yassin and massacred its inhabitants.

 According to an International Red Cross person who entered the village shortly after the attack, 254 residents were killed, 145 of them women, 35 of whom were pregnant. The British High Commissioner, Alan Cunningham, ordered British Army Commander Gordon Macmillan, who was stationed in Palestine, to stop the killing, but he was refused. (Alan Hart, "Zionism Volume One," World Focus Publishing, 2005)

 Terrified by these massacres, many of the population fled. Of the approximately 1.4 million Arabs, more than 420,000 emigrated to Gaza and Transjordan (now Jordan) in May alone, and the number of refugees is estimated to have reached 710,000 to 730,000 over the next year. The UN adopted Resolution 194 on December 11, 1948, which authorized the return of Palestinian refugees, but this has not been realized to date.



 The Empress, who was against the war, sent a telegram to Rasputin on July 13, 1916, to discuss how to avoid the war, but shortly after receiving it he was stabbed in the abdomen by an unknown woman and hospitalized; he was discharged on August 17, but before that, Russia had entered the war.

 But even if they did enter the war, Rasputin could quit the war if he was revived. In the midst of all this, Rasputin was assassinated on December 16, 1916. His body was pulled from the river and shot three times; the first bullet hit the left side of the chest, piercing the abdomen and liver; the second bullet passed through the kidney from the right side of the back; the third bullet hit the frontal area, which was the fatal wound. The assassin is believed to have been Felix Yusupov, and the bullet that struck the stopper was used in a British military pistol.

 An MI6 team sent by the British Foreign Office was at the scene of the assassination. The core of the team was Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Hoare, with Stephan Ally and Oswald Rayner playing key roles.


 Rose considered the Anglo-Saxons to be the noblest race. He joined Freemasonry in June 1877, but wrote his Confession of Faith shortly thereafter, in which he argued that the more territory the Anglo Saxons inhabited, the better. He said that it was their duty to expand their territory and make the British Empire prosperous, and that the expansion of territory meant more Anglo Saxons. (Cecil Rhodes, "Confession of Faith," 1877)

 Such a view was not uncommon in England at the time, and A. Conan Doyle, in "The Bachelor Nobility," one of the Sherlock Holmes series, wrote, "We cannot prevent our children from one day becoming citizens of the same world state under a flag that combines the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes in four separate parts. We shall not prevent our children from one day becoming citizens of the same world nation under a flag that combines the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes in four separate sections."


 The same network of people also launched invasions of East Asia in the 19th century. The first of these was the Opium War, which was aimed at China (Qing), but they were unable to control the interior simply because they won the naval battles. It was at this time that the British began their operations against Japan. The British supported Choshu and Satsuma to overthrow the Tokugawa regime and succeeded in building a cult state called the "Emperor System of the Bureaucracy. Japan under the Meiji regime began its invasion of East Asia as a proxy for Britain and the United States. Initially, the City had the greatest influence, but after the Great Kanto Earthquake, the influence of Wall Street became stronger.

automatic translation




 襲撃の直後に村へ入った国際赤十字の人物によると、住民254名が殺され、そのうち145名が女性で、そのうち35名は妊婦だった。イギリスの高等弁務官、アラン・カニンガムはパレスチナに駐留していたイギリス軍のゴードン・マクミラン司令官に殺戮を止めさせるように命じたが、拒否されている。(Alan Hart, “Zionism Volume One”, World Focus Publishing, 2005)







 ローズはアングロ・サクソンを最も高貴な人種だと考えていた。彼は1877年6月にフリーメーソンへ入会するが、その直後に『信仰告白』を書き、その中でアングロ・サクソンが住む地域が広がれば広がるほど良いと主張している。領土を拡大して大英帝国を繁栄させることは自分たちの義務であり、領土の拡大はアングロ・サクソンが増えることを意味するというのだ。(Cecil Rhodes, “Confession of Faith,” 1877)













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