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As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

2016-12-27 15:00:00 | 翻訳記事 Translation

軍安保複合体 The military/security complex この言葉は今のアメリカ占領国日本にとり、とても分かりやすい言葉だ。このThe military/security complexがずっと支配してきたアメリカが、この度政権交代したということなのだろう。


"軍事的に"強いアメリカ!などと言っているアメリカ市民がいるとすれば、それはThe military/security complexに飼われているマスコミからの洗脳から抜け出せていない人々なのだろう。日本にもそういった人々は多いようだ。そしてアベ政権が、"個人"を"人"と言い換える所以がそこにあるのだろう。





A country frightened by a gun, frightened by the threat of power, frustrated by large taxes to power, still being able to pay war with over 200 years without being able to pay the loan. That is America.

From the time of the defeat, Japan is a colony that lives submissively while inquiring about the complexion of America.

This is the identity of "America of Freedom".

December 20, 2016 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

Paul Craig Roberts

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination failed.

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump victory in the presidential election failed.

The vote recount failed.

The effort to sway the Electoral College failed.

But the effort continues.

The CIA report on Russia’s alleged interference in the US presidential election ordered by Obama is in process. Faked evidence is a hallmark of CIA operations.

In their determination to seal Trump’s ears against environmental concerns, a group of environmentalists plan to disrupt the inauguration. This in itself is of little consequence, but chaos presents opportunity for assassination.

Trump himself seems to think he is in danger. According to MSNBC, Trump intends to supplement his Secret Service protection with private security. As there is evidence of CIA complicity in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (film shows Secret Service agents ordered away from JFK’s limo immediately prior to his assassination), Trump, who is clearly seen as a threat by the military/security complex, is not being paranoid. MSNBC implies that Trump’s private security is to suppress protesters, as if government security forces have shown any compunction about suppressing protesters.

This provides an indication of the threat that the CIA sees in Trump:

Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky has explained that Trump’s peaceful approach to Russia aligns him with oligarchs, whose wealth benefits from business deals with Russia, and puts Trump at odds with the military/security oligarchs, who benefit from the one trillion dollar annual military/security budget. The latter group have been in control since President Eisenhower warned us about them and can muster deep state forces against a Trump presidency.

To take on a group like this requires a tough SOB. Anything less than Trump wouldn’t have a chance. Indeed, if Douglas Valentine’s just published book, The CIA As Organized Crime (Clarity Press, 2017) is even half true, Trump’s life is certainly at risk.

Donald Trump is clearly no saint. Given what we are up against—dangerous tensions between nuclear powers and the military/security complex’s stake in these tensions—a saint is not what the situation calls for.

The military/security complex has been entrenched since NATO’s formation on April 4, 1949, a provocation that preceded by six years the formation of the Warsaw Pact on May 14, 1955. Any president willing to confront this entrenched deep state superpower deserves the support of all of us.


Paul Craig Roberts





アメリカ大統領選挙に、ロシアが干渉したとされる、オバマが命じたCIA報告は進行中だ 。偽証拠は、CIA作戦の十八番だ。




トランプはロシアに対する平和的な姿勢で、ロシアとの商取引で儲けることができる支配者集団と組んでおり、トランプは、年間一兆ドルという軍事/安保予算で恩恵を受ける軍/安保支配者集団とは対立していると、Global Researchのミシェル・チョスドフスキーは説明している。アイゼンハワー大統領が彼らについて、我々に警告して以来、後者が支配権を掌握しており、トランプ大統領に対し、陰の政府部隊を使うことだできるのだ。

相当な玉でないと、このような集団に立ち向かえない。トランプ以下の人物では、とうてい勝ち目はあるまい。事実、もしダグラス・ヴァレンティンの新刊、The CIA As Organized Crime (Clarity Press刊、2017年)が半分でも本当なら、トランプの生命は確実に危険な状態にある。


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