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The Persecution of Julian Assange Is the Persecution of Truth

2019-03-14 01:56:51 | 翻訳記事 Translation

Last week, the International Court of Justice ruled that the British Government had no legal powers over the Chagos Islanders, who in the 1960s and 70s, were expelled in secret from their homeland on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and sent into exile and poverty. Countless children died, many of them, from sadness. It was an epic crime few knew about.





Nobody knows if there is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on this American military base island






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The Persecution of Julian Assange Is the Persecution of Truth

The Moral Bankruptcy of the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts

“The persecution of Julian Assange is the conquest of us all: of our independence, our self respect, our intellect, our compassion, our politics, our culture.” — John Pilger

The next time an American, Britisher, or Australian goes on about the freedom, democracy, and humanitarianism of his country, show them this: ........





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