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President Trump’s ‘Military First’ Policy

2017-09-30 23:38:28 | 翻訳記事 Translation
by the way,

Who is the one who has a machine gun in a child in Africa or the Middle East, killing the other party?

Who is supplying weapons and ammunition to his place?

Since the UN Forces have become parties to the conflict for peace in conflict areas since 1999,
Why did not UN impose arms embargo sanctions?

Since the UN Forces have become parties to the conflict for peace in conflict areas since 1999,
Why did not you impose arms embargo sanctions?

Where the weapons used in Africa and the Middle East were made, who carried them?

During the first eight months in office, the number of US troops stationed overseas has been ramped up since Trump's inauguration, along with an increased frequency of raids in particular trouble spots. Donald Trump has ratcheted up operations in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia. The US is poised to become more engaged in Libya. Donald Trump has taken a decision to expand the operations in Afghanistan. The president has recently made threats of US military action Venezuela and North Korea.

Wherever you look, there is a mission creep. More warfighting powers have been shifted to the Pentagon. The commander-in-chief has been doing his best to increase the US military involvement in the most fundamental breach of trust for his Rust Belt supporters that swung away from the Democrats to pull off Trump’s election victory. “The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” said Steve Bannon, former White House senior adviser, as he was leaving his position last month. The probability of US involvement in a large military conflict that has no relation to the US national security has increased. The world has become less safe.

If history is any guide, being the world’s policeman does not pay. To the contrary, it could one day cost the nation dearly. But the lesson of Vietnam appears to be forgotten today. At the end of FY 2017 the total government debt in the United States, including federal, state, and local, is expected to be $23.4 trillion. Despite this fact, the country continues to overstretch its military, increase the burden of military expenditure and adopt an aggressive military posture balancing on the brink of getting plunged into a quagmire of another costly long lasting military adventure.



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