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Washington Is Changing The World Order Against Its Own Interests

2018-12-14 15:18:12 | 翻訳記事 Translation

Japanese dislike the language of donation to his website. Because They do not understand Western "way of saying", They will feel a sense of resistance when it becomes Japanese.

There are a few Japanese who understand that this is "way of saying" by Westerners.

I think that the world order and so on is such a thing.

The world denies bastard behavior to the American world, but even if China and Russia behave briskly behind the background of military power and economic power as it is then, it will not change anything from present Absent. It is a wish of many ordinary people living in the world to want to change such a world.

For Americans it may be too much to understand, but the Japanese government is trying to manage all the personal information by consolidating it into one number.

When remittance overseas to donate to him, I have to declare that number, which means that I accept an unreasonable system.

Prejudice and authority  先入観と権威









Washington Is Changing The World Order Against Its Own Interests

Paul Craig Roberts

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The hubris and arrogance of Washington have been at work since the Clinton regime to destroy the power and relevance of the United States.

This website has an international audience. The most asked question from this audience is the world order. There is a realization that Washington’s control might weaken, a development people abroad see as hopeful. They ask me for verification of their hope.

Here is my answer:

The world order has already changed.  China has a larger and more powerful industrial and manufacturing based economy than the US, and China’s potential domestic consumer market is four times larger than that of the US. As economies are consumer based, China’s potential is an economy four times larger than that of the US.

Russia has a far more capable military with weapon systems unmatched by the US. The US is drowning in debt, and the illegal and irresponsible sanctions that Washington tries to impose on others are driving the world’s largest countries away from the use of the US dollar as world reserve currency and away from Western clearance systems such as SWIFT.  The United States already has one foot in the grave.  Any country sufficiently stupid to ally with the US is allied with a dead man walking.

President Eisenhower, a five-star general, warned Americans 57 years ago to no effect that the military/security complex was already a threat to the American people’s ability to control their government. Today the military/security complex is the Government. As Udo Ulfkotte documented in his book, Journalists for Hire: How the CIA buys the News—no you can’t buy a copy unless you can find a used copy in German in a German book store, the CIA has seen to that—journalism independent of official explanations no longer exists in the Western world.

Much of the world does not understand this. Aside from the material interests of Russian and Chinese capitalists, a portion of the youth of both superpowers, and also even in Iran, have succumbed to brainwashing by American propaganda. Gullible beyond belief, they are more loyal to America than they are to their own countries.

The United States itself is extremely unsuccessful, but its propaganda still rules the world. The consequence is that, based on its propagandistic success, Washington thinks it still holds the balance of economic and military power. This is a delusion that is leading Washington to nuclear war.

Considering the hypersonic speed, trajectory changeability and massive power of Russian nuclear weapons, war with Russia will result in nothing whatsoever being left of the US and its vassals, who sold out European peoples for Washington’s money.







Paul Craig Roberts







 陸軍元帥のアイゼンハワー大統領は、57年前、政府を支配するアメリカ人の能力に対して、軍安保複合体は脅威だとアメリカ人に警告したが、効果はなかった。現在、軍安保複合体が政府なのだ。ウド・ウルフコッテが著書『Journalists for Hire: How the CIA buys the News(お雇いジャーナリスト:CIAによる報道買収)』説明したように。だが、ドイツの書店でドイツ語の中古本を見つけられないかぎりそれは読めない。CIAが、公式の説明から自立したジャーナリズムが、もはや欧米に存在しないようにしているのだ。




 Paul Craig  Robertsは元経済政策担当財務次官補で、ウオール・ストリート・ジャーナルの元共同編集者。ビジネス・ウィーク、スクリプス・ハワード・ニューズ・サービスとクリエーターズ・シンジケートの元コラムニスト。彼は多数の大学で教えた。彼のインターネット・コラムは世界中の支持者が読んでいる。彼 の新刊、The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West、HOW AMERICA WAS LOST、The Neoconservative Threat to World Orderが購入可能。








 そこで、街の弁護士日記 SINCE1992at名古屋。

 「1945年への道」さんのチャンネル登録しよう 敗戦をストップするために




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