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Blatantly Obvious Who Gains From Nord Stream Sabotage

2022-10-05 15:56:46 | 翻訳記事 Translation

Just because the pipeline was destroyed does not mean the gas is gone.

The US has the means to transport the oil it stole from the Syrian oil fields.

How and who will deliver the gas to the people of Europe to allow them to have a winter as before?

If Russians citizen and Euros citizen could cooperate, we could call it peace.

This response may determine the future of the world.









Blatantly Obvious Who Gains From Nord Stream Sabotage

Strategic Review – Sept 30, 2022

Thus, in sum, we have forewarning by Biden, admission by Polish acolytes, plus means and motive, which all point to the explosions as acts of terrorist sabotage.

Moreover, we have to put the event into a bigger geopolitical perspective which makes it all the more convincing that this was a willful, criminal act of destruction. Ever since the Nord Stream pipeline project began more than a decade ago, the United States and its transatlantic European surrogates have been obsessed with trying to thwart the mutually beneficial energy trade between Russia and the rest of Europe. Successive U.S. administrations, whether Republican or Democrat, have vowed to hew Europe from Russian supplies of oil and natural gas. It is a glaring case of rigging the supposed “capitalist free market” so that more expensive American hydrocarbons can displace affordable, reliable, and cleaner Russian fuel.

To get away with this de facto piracy, the United States has done everything to incite hostility against Russia and bring back the geopolitics of the Cold War. Under the guise of “defending” Europe from Russian “aggression”, the real objective is to sell American energy exports as well as vast amounts of weaponry. Provoking war in Ukraine amid relentless NATO expansion towards Russia’s borders has fomented the desired climate of hostility and zero-sum divisions.

Sure enough, as the Russian energy trade with Europe has crashed under sanctions and recriminations, the American exports of liquefied natural gas have ramped up with soaring profits.

The explosions at the Nord Stream pipelines seem intended to make sure the damage to Russian relations with Europe is irreparable.

If it is indeed confirmed to be an act of state terrorism, then that will be a red line that Russia cannot ignore. Moscow has repeatedly warned the U.S. and NATO to back off from their aggression by arming the Kiev regime. Putin has warned that the Western powers are recklessly pushing toward a catastrophic nuclear war. Attacking Russia’s natural wealth and civilian infrastructure is another step toward the abyss.







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