日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


Islam in Japan 2010 (Part 4)

2010年04月13日 | MESSAGE

As far as I can see, among many challenges that Muslims in Japan are facing, the biggest challenge in my opinion that Muslims in Japan are facing is how to complete our lives as Muslims and how to pass on Islam and Muslim identity to the next generations.  Our respected elders left us some points that we should be careful with;


-         Make as much efforts as we can in educating the next generations. (Let them be Muslim Japanese, not Japanese …Muslim?)


-         Set up the educational system for taking cares of new converts/reverts to Islam.


-         Take balance in the daily life as Muslims and Japanese (If not Japanese ethnic, then as a person living in Japanese society)


-         Secure as many living Role Models as possible for both new Muslims and growing children.


Historical records or modern researches say that there were thousands of Japanese embraced Islam but the reality tells you either the information is incorrect or many of those who supposed to have embraced Islam gone somewhere. So the real feeling any Japanese Muslim would feel about the numbers of his/her fellow Japanese Muslims brothers and sisters are only few hundreds…  


Allah knows the best.
