QLD 4000

G'day from Queensland!


2011-01-14 | 1.0 ブリスベン
00:04 from web
Ipswich, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coastでは飲み水は安全+供給も安定、沸騰させてから飲む必要もなし Ministerial Media Statements: http://bit.ly/fAi1EC
00:15 from web
ついに(やっと?)Googleも~ Queensland Flood Emergency Information: http://bit.ly/gc86JX
00:44 from web
RT @QPSmedia: Police are aware of a text message that's circulating which says the Wivenhoe dam wall has been breached. This message is ...
16:49 from web
>>>Lockyer Valleyでは水は飲む前に3分間沸騰させた状態にして、それから飲むようにとABCラジオでいっていました。  
by QLD4000 on Twitter


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