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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書16章 苦難に勝利する

2024年06月09日 21時53分36秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書16章 苦難に勝利する

John 16: Victory over Suffering
1. the Holy Spirit is sent (16:1-16)
It is believed that Jesus' public missionary work lasted for about three years. For the 12 disciples, who until then had led a simple life, except for catching fish, the three years they spent with Jesus must have been very exciting. Life is an encounter. Encountering Jesus can lead you to a life you never thought possible. But that exciting journey was suddenly coming to an end. Jesus was leaving.
In fact, the hostility of the religious people toward Jesus had reached such an extreme that they were in a disturbing mood: something was going to happen to Jesus, and their lives were not going to go on like this. To the perplexed and disturbed disciples, Jesus tells them that after He leaves, He will send the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who will protect their faith and help them in their work.
But what is this Holy Spirit? Aside from Christian heretics such as Jehovah's Witnesses, the Christian church has traditionally taught that the Holy Spirit is also God. It has believed in and adhered to the doctrine of the "triune God," the God the Father, the God the Son (Jesus Christ), and the God the Holy Spirit, who is one and indivisible. I will talk about the Trinity another time, but this passage clearly describes the work of God the Holy Spirit.
First, the Holy Spirit reveals the error of the world through the Christian in verse 8. In other words, he says that he shows man's sin and makes him aware of the fact that man makes himself God and refuses to acknowledge God. The Holy Spirit also makes known the righteousness of Christ, revealing that the words of Jesus are true and that he was truly the Son of God. And finally, verse 11, which is crucial. Verse 11 reveals that there has been judgment on the ruler of the world. In other words, Jesus testifies that He has triumphed. Faith is not the pursuit of an ideal image that cannot be seen. Faith is about seizing the blessing, about moving forward into the invitation to blessing, based on the victory of Jesus. No longer are those who tempt us, those who ensnare us, judged, and we are placed under the love of God who watches over us to move ahead in our new life.
2. take courage (16:17-33)
Now in verse 17, John tells of a situation on the eve of this crucifixion in which the disciples did not quite understand Jesus' words. Jesus went to the cross as the promised Savior, resurrected, and defeated the power of sin and death, as prophesied in the Old Testament. We can understand that now, but it was difficult for the disciples of that time to immediately understand what was being said. It had not yet happened. And later, as the resurrected Jesus appeared and explained to the disciples on their way to Emmaus, or as the Pentecostal  event occurred and the disciples were given heavenly admonitions, they needed an explanation. So they are encouraged to pray for the Holy Spirit (vv. 23, 24). For the Holy Spirit admonishes and teaches them all things concerning Jesus.
Finally, in verse 32, Jesus foretells that the disciples will pass through inevitable pain and sorrow, that they will be scattered, and that He will be left alone. The time in which John's Gospel was written was a time when a storm of persecution was raging against the Christian church. In the midst of this, there must have been others who, like Jesus, felt left out and were in danger of abandoning their faith. That is why verse 33 says, "In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage. But take courage. I have already overcome the world," and it was necessary to repeat the words of Jesus the Victor. In Christ, there is no tribulation in vain, no tribulation that ends in disappointment. So, I wish you a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書15章 キリストのいのちに結びつく

2024年06月09日 21時44分32秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書15章 キリストのいのちに結び付く
1. ぶどうの木と枝(15:1-11)
John 15: United to the Life of Christ
1. the vine and the branches (15:1-11)
Jesus used various images to describe Himself. For example, He likened Himself to a "gate," and then to "light" and "the way. Here, He is compared to a "vine. Then, in verse 1, he draws attention to the fact that there are branches that lead to Himself, some of which bear fruit and some that do not. The difference, verse 3, is whether they abide in Jesus or not. Jesus speaks in this way because of Israel's history, which has been unfruitful apart from God. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah said. The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, the man of Judah, whom the Lord was pleased to plant. The LORD desired justice. But behold, bloodshed. He desired justice. But behold, a shriek" (Isaiah 5:7). Israel's society, turned away from God and separated from Him, was full of evil and injustice, bloodshed and screams. It was like a desolate vineyard that was not bearing fruit. The same may be true of today's society, which is filled with various pains, lamentations, and cries. If such a world is going to change, it will be because many people who abide in Jesus will be raised up, who will become his disciples and bear the fruit of justice and righteousness.
In verse 15, Jesus says. Verse 15, Jesus says, "I call you no more servants, but friends. I have called you friends. Believing in Jesus and becoming His disciple is more than becoming a faithful Christian to Him. Jesus calls those who become His disciples "friends. It is not a teacher-disciple relationship, where we respect and follow him as a teacher, with a sense of distance. Jesus wants us to be friends with whom we can talk freely and openly.
At the 7th Japan Congress on Evangelism, as a member of the program office, I was responsible for the preparations. The first thing the pastors decided to do was to stop calling each other "Sensei" (teacher) and start calling each other by nicknames. We called each other by our nicknames, even though we felt it was disrespectful to the other, and the work began. We had an open relationship with each other and I was called "Fukuchi. And as the work progressed, how it reminded me of the intimacy of our junior high school club days. It was a really fun preparation.
Jesus is not one to tell you what is right because you don't know anything. He wants to share with you what is in your hearts and in your stomachs, and together we will do something. Indeed, we cannot fulfill our mission to speak the gospel of Jesus to a society that is otherwise filled with pain, lamentation, and cries. Our mission is great and requires deep unity.
2. love one another (15:12-17)
John was later persecuted and exiled to the island of Patmos. It was a time when times were moving in a strange direction and becoming more and more severe. John tells us that the most important teaching of Jesus to overcome these times is that He calls us His friends and that we love one another (vv.12,17). Treasure others, support each other, and bear the fruit of love, which is the first thing Jesus' disciples are to keep in mind. It is not about acting kindly for the sake of convenience. It is a love that supports and overcomes each other in the most difficult times. Just as in verse 12, "As I have loved you," that is, to live in the love of the cross of Jesus. Only then can the church be another world on earth, a place of healing and salvation. Do not bring strife into the church.
3. do not be surprised at the hatred of the world (15:18-27)
The world does not always understand such a church. Do not be surprised at all when the world suspects and resents the church's actions. If Christ, the Master, was hated, then His disciples will be, too. Such people are not repulsed by the disciples of Jesus; they are repulsed by God. Because they cannot recognize God, they cannot recognize the loyalty of Jesus' disciples either. But history has proven that those who live in love of the cross are the hope that shines in a dark world. I pray that today will be another good day.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書14章 聖霊という助け主

2024年06月09日 21時37分20秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書14章 聖霊という助け主
John 14: The Helper, the Holy Spirit
1. the way to truth and life (14:1-14)
John recalls the time when he spent the Last Supper with Jesus. There, John recalls the time he asked Jesus, "Who is the betrayer?" (13:25). Jesus replied, "He to whom I will dip a piece of bread and give it to him." In the Middle Eastern world at that time, the custom of a master dipping and giving food was considered a sign of the master's special affection. If you did not know about such customs, you might not have read this part of the story. John confesses that he is the one specially loved by Jesus (John 20:2). But, in fact, he says that that Judas who betrayed Jesus was also a specially loved one (26-30). And yet, he left the world without ever knowing the heart of his Master, he said. It is a lost reality of human beings that they are loved but do not know that love. The important thing to remember is that Jesus loved everyone.
Note the dialogue between Jesus and his disciples as recorded by John. It is clear that Jesus truly faced the hearts of His disciples and spoke to them in a heart-to-heart manner. Peter asked the question. Where are you going when you say you are leaving the world (13:36)? Jesus answered, "Where the Father lives" (14:1). Then Thomas plunges in further, without pretending to understand, and tells him how he can get there (v. 5). Then Jesus replies, "By following in my footsteps" (vv. 6-7).
People go through life following in the footsteps of various predecessors. Some of them may be main streets, while others may be trails or animal paths that are less traveled by people. There are also the paths that Christ took. And I say that the path that follows in Christ's footsteps is the path that leads us to the Father, that is, to heaven. The important thing is to think about what path you are on. And to walk in the way of Christ, we must immerse ourselves in the words of Jesus. Reading the Bible daily does more than add to your biblical knowledge. It teaches you the specific steps of Jesus and brings you closer to Him.
Jesus has repeatedly spoken of Himself as a spiritual Savior, not an earthly political hero or king. It is a serious statement that there is an invisible Kingdom of God that is superior to earthly kingdoms. But is it really real? Philip is skeptical. Wanting to be convinced, he offers to Jesus to see the Father, to see God. Jesus says, "I and the Father are one. He says, "I and the Father are one; he who has seen me has seen the Father. In other words, he will look to Jesus, and there he will be taught the reality of both God and the Kingdom of God.
2. the promise of Jesus (14:15-31)
Finally, Jesus tells the disciples that a Helper, called the Holy Spirit, will come in his place to reassure them. He then tells them to keep four facts in mind. First, in verse 16, the Helper, the Holy Spirit, reminds them of Jesus' words and teaches them on his behalf (v. 26). Second, verse 27, there is the peace that Jesus gives and that we should seek. Third, verse 29, there is God's plan. All things have an end. But it is a new beginning. God's plan is beyond our thoughts. Finally, verse 31, we are to keep in mind the example of Jesus. Humans have habits of mind. We have habits of reaction, habits of thought that we have developed since we were small. But those who believe in Christ are those who, using the example of Jesus as a mirror, are made aware of their own habits and actively live a new life. So I pray that you have a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書13章 十字架への道

2024年06月09日 21時30分23秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書13章 十字架への道
John 13: The Road to the Cross
1. to serve and to give life (13:1-20)
From this chapter 13, John's Gospel enters the second half of the book. The series of miraculous episodes that testify that Jesus is the Messiah and Savior has come to an end, and from here on, we are told of Jesus who, as foretold, offers Himself on the cross, moving toward the accomplishment of His mission to deliver humanity from the wrath and curse of God.
First, John traces the memory of Jesus taking a pitcher of water and a washcloth and beginning to wash the feet of each of his disciples. Jesus taught them to "wash one another's feet," an example of Jesus' irreverence and service.
In those days, it was customary for Israelites to bathe and go out when invited to a meal. However, unlike today, when people wore sandals on dusty streets, their feet would get dirty after bathing outside. So, they would sometimes have to wash their feet again at the house they were visiting. Usually, a slave with a pitcher of water and a towel would greet them and wash their feet, but often they would wash each other's feet. Often they would wash each other's feet. Peter refused.
We should remember the following words of Jesus as recorded by Mark. The Son of Man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45) Jesus taught his disciples to serve, but this was based on their readiness to give their lives through the cross. Such thoroughness and true reverence of Jesus, and the fact that Jesus, who is God, served them in such a way, both amazes us and compels us to revere Him.
2. two betrayals (13:21-38)
Beginning in verse 21, we are told of Judas' betrayal. At that time, only Jesus knew in advance of Judas' betrayal according to the Old Testament prophecy (v. 18). Many people are familiar with the Last Supper in the image of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece. However, paintings often reflect the culture of the time and place of the artist. It is believed that this Last Supper was actually also eaten lying down around a low table, according to the customs of the time. They lay on their lower left side, supporting themselves on their left elbow and eating with their right hand. That is how the situation occurs in verse 25, when John, leaning against Jesus' chest, says to Jesus, "I am the one who is going to eat. So Jesus was probably in a position to lean against Judas' chest, which means that Judas was lying behind Jesus. So we can also imagine Jesus looking up and softly whispering, "What you are about to do, do quickly. In response, Judas stood up to betray him.
With this, Jesus moves on to the mission of the cross, from which there is no turning back. But Jesus speaks of it as returning glory to God, who will also reward him for his deeds, that is, returning glory to the Son of Man. John tells us, however, that no one at this time understood what Jesus was saying or doing. The dialogue continues, "Where are you coming?
In verse 36, John tells us of another unintended betrayal. Peter, who boldly said he would lay down his life to follow Jesus, is revealed to have had no more loyalty than he could say. Humans are truly pitiful creatures. That being so, it is truly a blessing that we have a God who loves and serves such people.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書12章 決断を迫るイエス

2024年06月09日 21時29分40秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書12章 決断を迫るイエス
John 12: Jesus Forced to Make a Decision
1. six days before the Passover (12:1-11)
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. In spite of this amazing miracle, instead of believing in Jesus, the people began to hate Him more and more and wanted to kill Him (11:53). It is strange. Jesus flees with his disciples to the land of Ephraim, north of Jerusalem. And with this, Jesus' ministry changes as well. That is, Jesus stops appearing before crowds and performing miracles, and begins to have intimate talks with the 12 disciples (chapters 13-17).
So, beginning in chapter 12, John starts with the events six days before Jesus' death.
First, Jesus returns to Bethany and is invited to supper. There, a woman pours about 320 grams of very expensive Nardinian perfume oil on Jesus. John's Gospel identifies the woman as Mary, sister of Lazarus, while Luke's Gospel identifies this as a sinful woman (7:36-50) and Mark's as a certain woman (14:3-11). We do not know exactly who it was. Whoever it was, Mary's doing this, for one thing, was probably out of gratitude for the miracle of bringing her brother Lazarus back to life. But then, in verse 7, there is the realization that Jesus' death was imminent, and she may have wanted to express her devotion to him. However, Judas, who was there, was in direct contrast to Mary's heart, and he saw the value of Jesus as low. He thought it was a waste of time. Jesus understood their hearts.
2. 5 days before the Passover (12:12-50)
Verse 12: The next day, Jesus entered Jerusalem. Religious leaders of the time believed that the Messiah, or the Savior, would descend from heaven on a white horse with the armies of Israel. However, the Savior who was actually welcomed with shouts of joy by the people was that Jesus who entered riding on a colt. Therefore, the religious people of that time were perplexed. The Savior they expected was a political hero like Maccabaeus, who liberated the Jewish nation from Syrian rule more than a hundred years earlier. But the Savior described in the Old Testament was not that kind of being, and that is what they were looking for.
In verse 16, John recalls the event and explains that, regardless of what the religious people of the time thought, it was the fulfillment of what had been prophesied in the book of Zechariah (9:10). In other words, people of that time may have simply thought of the Savior as an earthly political liberator, but He is not; He is a spiritual Savior. And John says that his dialogue with the Greeks who came to him for discipleship was a lesson in this.
And in verse 24, he tells his readers that Jesus died on the cross, taking the curse of God and considering it his mission and glory to pour out the blessing of eternal life on all mankind in his stead.
In verse 36, John tells us that Jesus was pressing the crowds to accept this divine plan without understanding it. He who believes what Jesus has said does not merely mean that he will become a Christian on earth. It means that if one believes in Jesus, he or she will be protected from God's judgment after death and will be granted eternal life. You may lose this earthly life, Jesus says, but you must not lose eternal life as well. Faith is a walk of life in a world that transcends this world.

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