

Table tennis and rice cake making

2019-07-16 | 日本帰国


Today's lunch is from a convenience store. Their favourite chicken and rice ball. 

He played table tennis with my friend. And of course, he won all the games. 

After table tennis, we moved to a cake/pastry shop and tried making our own rice cake. The professional showed explained and showed how to make one. 

Putting red bean paste(anko) in.  

Closing the end. 


Making the next one. 

We did it! 

After steaming for 7-8 mins, it needs to be cool down. 

Looks professional! 

We also got one the pro made. 

And to their favourite place...

And finally to our favourite place...

Got some new pokemon cards. 

Even though it was a cheap sushi place, the taste was surprisingly good! 

