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第13話 天文学と数値計算、数表、計算機械、人間の作業②

2020-03-28 14:20:53 | 脳トレ宇宙論

脳トレ宇宙論 第13話 

天文学と 数値計算、数表、計算機械、人間の作業②







  三角関数の表は、古代ギリシャとインドで天文学と天体航法への応用のために使用さた。 それは、計算を簡素化し、劇的に高速化するために、電子計算機が安価で豊富になるまで広く使用され続けた。1551年、ドイツの数学者ラウヒェンは惑星の運動を計算する際に必要となる、それまでにない最も正確三角関数表を作成した.さらに、引数を角度に対する表とした(それまでは円弧に対して)。この表は太陽中心説と結び付いて,天文学の計算に飛躍的な発展をもたらした

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  ジョン・ネイピアJohn Napier, 1550年 - 1617年スコットランドバロン数学者物理学者天文学者占星術師


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(WEB参照:人と星とともにある数学 第5回:ジョン・ネイピア対数誕生物語)

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  天文学の進歩は、計算に大きく依存している。1614年のネーピアの対数の発明以来、天文学者は長い計算を行うのに対数表を頼りにしてきた。さらに複雑な計算を行う計算機械の必要性が高まる。ヨーロッパでは16世紀頃から精密機械技術の発達により計算機と呼べるものが作られるようになった。17世紀の半ばフランスのパスカルが税務官の父の計算を助けるために歯車式の計算機を作成した。ドイツではライプニッツはそれを改良してさらに高度な計算機を作成した。機械式計算機が市場に販売されるなようになったのは19世紀末になってからである。UK の数学者バベッジ(1791年ー1871年)は人間の骨の折れる作業から解放すると言うライプニッツの思想を受け継ぎ、バベッジの解析機関を考えた。



 1896年W.ヨルダンは、300年前の「オーパス・バラチナム」から正弦・余弦表を再出版した。L.J.コムリー は

Leslie J. Comrie (1893-1950): astronomer and pioneer in mechanical computation


 それらは、計算を簡素化し、劇的に高速化するために、電子計算機が安価で豊富になるまで広く使用され続けた。 対数表と三角関数は数学や科学では一般的であり、多くのアプリケーション向けに専門的な表が公開されてきた。

・A Short History of Mathematical Function Tables

 In the 18th and 19th centuries, scientists discovered that the elementary functions—powers, roots, trigonometric functions and their inverses—had their limitations. They found that  solutions for some important physical problems—like the orbital motion of planets, the oscillatory motion of suspended chains and the calculation of the gravitational potential of  nearly spherical bodies—could not always be described in a closed form using only elementary functions. Even in the realm of pure mathematics, some quantities—such as the  circumference of an ellipse—were also impossible to discuss in such terms. Functions describing solutions to these problems were often expressed as infinite series, as integrals or  as solutions to differential equations. 

 On further investigation, scientists noted that a relatively small number of these special functions turned up over and over again in different contexts. What's more, they noted that  many other problems could be solved in the form of a comparatively simple combination of these newer functions with the elementary functions known to the ancients. Functions that  cropped up most frequently in scientific calculations were given names and notations that have come into common usage: Bessel functions, Struve functions, Mathieu functions, the  spherical harmonics, the Gamma function, the Beta function, Jacobi functions and most of the others . 

 In the second half of the 19th century mathematicians also started to investigate these special functions from a purely theoretical perspective. Alternative representations—as 
differential equations, series, integrals, continued fractions or other forms—were found for many. Important publications on the topic at the turn of the century include the four- volume masterpiece on the elliptic functions by J. Tannery and J. Molk (published 1893–1902), containing hundreds of pages of collected formulas; I. Todhunter's treatise on Laplace,  Lamé and Bessel functions (1875); E. Heine's treatise on spherical harmonics (1881); and A. Wangerin's work on the same topic (1904). 

 Large tables with numerical values for the special functions also began to appear, along with three-dimensional "graphs" made of wood or plaster—masterpieces of precision  sculpting—showing the behavior of functions such as P and the Jacobi functions. Many of these models are still on display in math departments throughout the world and the  graphics on this website can be thought of as their modern, computer-drawn counterparts. 

  Charles Babbage, who designed but was unable to build the "difference engine," planned a printing device allowing the machine to generate large tables automatically. A Swedish  publisher named Georg Scheutz and his son Edvard later built a difference engine that could set type. In 1857, the Scheutzes produced a mechanically generated table of common  logarithms to five decimal places for the integers from 1 to 10,000; each value took about thirty seconds to calculate. Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven, the first modern handbook of special functions—that is, one containing graphs, formulas and numerical tables—was published in 1909 by  Eugene Jahnke and Fritz Emde.   Parallel to the handbooks dealing with series expansions, differential equations, functional identities and so forth of special functions, many integral tables were developed in the 20th  entury. 

  Application of the electronic computer resulted in many massive volumes containing hundreds of pages of tables for Bessel functions, elliptic integrals, Legendre functions and so on. 
 An important handbook containing graphs, formulas, and compute-generated numerical data was assembled by Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun. This work was published in 1964  by the National Bureau of Standards as the Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables. Individual chapters were compiled by various  authors, leading to a certain unevenness in the quality of the material and its presentation. Nevertheless, the Handbook of Mathematical Functions remains a standard reference and is  still in widespread use. 

 Ironically, the computer that led to the creation of such mammoth numeric tables is now eliminating the need for them. The ready availability of computer processing time and  technical software now allows technical users to calculate the values of any needed function without recourse to reference works. Mathematica can calculate every special function to any desired precision for any real or complex values of the arguments and parameters. Additionally, Mathematica can symbolically and numerically calculate values for  integrals or other operations and transformations involving these functions, providing far more information than any single handbook could possibly tabulate. 


 スイスの数学者・物理学者ダニエル・ベルヌーイDaniel Bernoulli, 1700年 - 1782年) によって定義され、ドイツの数学者・天文学者のフリードリッヒ・ベッセルによって一般化された関数


(Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 1784年 - 1846年

 (Wikipedia 参照)


