It’s nice to paint with our hands! (Grade 1) part 4

2013年01月25日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C


We mixed the paint with liquid clay.

 “It feels cold!”

“It’s like you’re wearing gloves!”

 I could hear students saying while having fun.

We drew onto paper using our fingers and palms.

While painting we were thinking of the sound swish-swoosh as we made long strokes.

You need lots of paint on your hands to make the long strokes.

Students dipped their fingers into the tray of paint.

Using just a single colour we had to think about the shape.

 While looking at the shape they tried to think of what it could look like, and sometimes suddenly saw it.

“Oh, it’s really there!”

With a face of joy.

We could then add more colour to the form to finish the image.

We needed to start negotiating for different colours, or to wait for when someone else had finished.


 It’s a snowman.


It’s a whale.

