Futaba concert (Grade 3) part 2

2013年02月19日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.

It was a good time for the students to learn about the characteristics of the clay.

The clay is fine grained and viscous, and sticks to clothing and the desk.

It is different to paper clay.

Before the clay drys you can cut the clay with scissors. It’s a little bit like cutting paper.

Here we can see someone thinking about how to use the clay and the scissors in a different way to cutting.

”Teacher, it’s the sleeves of a uniform”, they said.

 Things like this happen when you have the chance to work with the clay.

New ideas and innovations are discovered.


You can also change the colours by mixing.

It’s curled like a coiled snake…

Then squashed with a pencil…

People could discover things on their own.

I hope they continue this feeling when making their piece.

Futaba concert (Grade 3)

2013年02月18日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.


We will make a model using clay based on a central core.

We made the middle core.

You can easily bend and model aluminium wire.

Some people used the base to help show the bend of a knee.

It’s made a nice clean bend!

We wrap wool around the wire to make a human form.

This makes a bigger volume and helps the clay to stick.


So with just some pieces of wood, wire and wool we can make something…

After finishing for today the class lined the models up in poses.

Harmony of water and paint (Grade 3) part 3

2013年02月08日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.


We made a title and description of the work we had made.

We recorded this title on the ipad.

People next to each other helped with the ipad.

You can check that the whole image is being recorded by the ipad.

The nice thing about this system is you can comfortably record your title at your seat.


After this we did an exchange activity.

The description of the work was not always the same, and able to develop. It was quite exciting!

Here are 2 pieces of work.

Ms. FK’s work. ‘Colour of rain’

 Ms. TN’s work. ‘all sorts of colours are playing.’

Rubber bands (Grade 3)

2013年02月07日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.

We dropped about 10 rubber bands and looked to see what we could see from the shape.

5 people worked around a piece of paper.

People understood what I wanted them to try to do in this activity.

 “Ahh, this is like …!”

 “I can see a …!”

“Oh yes, I can see. It’s interesting!”

I heard different groups saying.


 Here is some work.

“The surprised chef”


 “A whale trying to swallow a fish”


 “Auntie on the bike”


 “A boy with a football”


 “Muscles girl”


 It’s fun to sometimes have a free activity like this.

I was thinking we could have the same activity but with different groups.

It seemed people could think of new things in different groups.

 “It’s fun teacher!”

 I was pleased to hear.

The Harmony of paint and water. (Grade 3) part 2

2013年02月01日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class A.

We drew without thinking of anything in particular onto the paper, thinking and enjoying how the brush and paint work together

The children drew lots of lines and dots from their imagination.

 “Teacher, are you sure you want us to paint standing up?”

Someone asked hesitantly.

If you work while standing up you can use the whole paper and see what you are painting.

Some people finish quickly, others paint more carefully.

The drying rack was like a jewel box.

People used the brush washer to clean afterwards.

As much as possible the students should try to clean up after themselves.

While we didn7t draw anything concrete it inspired a lot of ideas!