Making paper flowers (Grade 1) part 5

2013年01月21日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class C.


We tried to describe the sound after finishing.

Firstly the sounds you can actually hear.

Next, to think of sounds to describe the fluttering.

Finally to think of sounds which express how it has been crushed together.

“How do you feel about it…”

I said to people who were thinking hard about how to express what they were thinking.

Even before making the flowers.

 “I wonder which colour…”

This time we were able to make our paper flowers. We need to try and think how.

People were thinking about their final image.

What colours, and what shape of flower to best make which would suit the image.

Lots of interesting things were being formed.

How about trying a twist…

You can curl, or tear…

Work was being made quickly.

 At lunch time some Grade 5 students came to see.

 “It’s good!”

 “We want to try too!”

 They said while interested in the work.

Grade 5 must find it interesting because even as an adult I found it very interesting.


Many people enjoyed looking at other work in an exchange-appreciation activity.

 I’ll show a few pieces of work.

Ms. KN’s work: “Ms. M’s dress”

This dress is from Ms. KN’s homeroom teacher.I feel that the dress is spinning around and around!



Ms. HH’s work: “Colourful mix”

She has used all the colours. There is a beautiful us of shade.

 I can fee some sort of energy.


Ms. UK’s work: “Munching”

 Is the hiragana "く”showing a mouth?
It looks like the colour is running away saying "Ahh, I'm being eaten!"

