A story which moves. (Grade 6) part 2

2013年02月12日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Work from class B.


We had to work hard as there was only 1 hour to finish the work.

There are people who are very concerned with the details in Grade 6 and spent a long time checking and checking the movement.

 Everyone was committed towards their own goal.

 Here are 3 pieces of work.

Ms. KK’s work ‘Honey loving bear’

Colored paper has been put over the split pin so you cannot see the trick.  You can see how it works from the back.

 It is similar to how a pedal trash can opens.


Ms. KS’s work ‘Swimming frog’

It has long arms and legs which move. What does the mechanism look like?

It is like the real movement of a frog. You need to use your hands to extend and move the arms and legs. It has a fluid movement.


Some people tried to make a sculpture.

Ms. KA’s work ‘The pottery wheel’

It is a very good representation of the potter’s wheel and movement. The pattern of the construction paper shows the design of the wheel very well.


The activity was quite difficult to get the movement correct for the model.

Painting (Grade 2)

2013年02月12日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.

We heard a short story of an island with a rainbow which we would then try to paint in a group.


 We were working together in a group so had to exchange ideas and think of some rules.

 Groups needs to think how they would paint their picture.


There were rules for this activity!

 You can use the whole arm to paint dramatically.

 We stood up to paint, and could draw lots of different patterns.

 ‘Wow, It’s an interesting painting!”

Someone said as they were impressed with their own work.

Some people used methods to draw wide lines across the whole page. This technique was used to make some beautiful triangle shapes.

 We wrote the title on a different piece of paper as the work wasn’t dry.

 “Umm, I don’t know the title”

some people worried.

‘Oh, I Know’

Some people said straight away.

Here are 2 pieces of work.


Ms. SN’s work ‘Beautiful, cute, cutey island’.


Ms. AY’s work ‘Colorful paint island’