The harmony of paint and water. (Grade 3)

2013年02月01日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.

We are looking at how to paint using a brush and water.

Unlike in term 1 we are not drawing any one thing in particular.

Everyone thought of lots of different ideas.

There was a person who bounced the paintbrush around making pin spots on their paper.

Once started it was hard to stop and needed to be stopped by the person at the next desk.

The students stood up so they could look over the whole piece of paper. When you do this the level of the work tends to become a little more energetic.

It is beautiful to paint with the harmony of paint and water together.

Here are 4 pieces of work.

 All the work is unique and fantastic!

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 6

2013年01月29日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students and work from Class A.

We had an exchange activity after finishing our work.

We took our time looking at friends work.

Today is the first time we (including the teacher) could look at the finished work.

Surprisingly there were quite a few people using a mechanism which moved in the work. In the middle of this…

This person has suspended marbles.

You can see a reflection of the classroom in the marbles!

I was so surprised! It’s beautiful!


Here are a couple of pieces of work with comments.


Ms. NR’s work “Colourful snowscape”

 The random pattern is a feature.

I put lots of sequins. It is an image of the snow.

楽しい世界です。 It is a fun world.

Comments on this work.

 The work is called “Colourful snowscape”, but to me it looks more like petals.It’s beautiful because it is so small.

There is a ball in the straw net moving. It is ingenious.」

From Ms. NK


The title of the work is “A colorful snowscape”, but because of the ball in the straw net it looks to me like candy.

This makes me think of the title “A candy snowscape”」

From SR



TH’s work “Straw country”.

I used 28 straws. The cellophane blurs these straws.

Comments on the work.

  I like Ms.T’s work because of the overlap of lots of different colours. It is very beautiful”.

From Ms. IM.


“The 28 straws look a bit like a beautiful rainbow.”

From Ms. TK


At the end we could look at everyone’s work.

There were a lot of opinions about how people had decorated.

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 3

2013年01月28日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C.


“Teacher, look, look!”

I heard a voice say.

“Look at this…”

And I got a description.

It is great to hear someone being able to talk about their work like this.


There were lots of narrative pieces.

It’s the sea. The dolphins are swimming so comfortably.

This is a squirrel having an adventure.

Some people have made effects I’ve never seen before.

This ribbon has made a rainbow effect.

There are some interesting effects. Like this cotton being used as a cushioning effect.

 “It’s 3D!”

Someone said.

 It’s a pencil cap.

We used the same transparent paper but the effects are so different.

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 4

2013年01月28日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.


We finally have the material to stick onto the frame.

We like looking at the effects of different materials.

After trying a material in a certain way we looked at it again and made some adjustments.

A new way of attaching the material is devised.

“Teacher! Look, Look!”

Someone called after changing their work. Some people call each time they see something new.


 “Wow, beautiful!”

Some people thought of new little tricks.

When you hold the work up to the Sun you can see some unexpected things.

“It’s so pretty!”

I say. Both adults and children can react the same way to see something like this.

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 3

2013年01月17日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.


After finishing the frame last week we can start to decorate inside it.

We need to use things which work on the transparent screen.

There are lots of materials.

Like these letter sequins.

“Wow, beautiful!”

 I heard voices from here and there.

With different materials we can try to twist and turn.

Or crumple and stack them…

What sort of decorations will appear?!! It’s fun!!