pride and vainglory -澪標のpostmortem(ブリッジ用語です)-


またも超脱線 COVID-19関連経済統計(承前)

2020-10-06 07:39:50 | Postmortem
 GDPの40%と言う数字自体は根拠のない物ではありません。国会図書館資料3pの「表2 緊急経済対策等の事業規模 」の事業規模が該当します。

”The economic policy package database we created includes six policy variables classified
under three categories. These categories are, fiscal policy, monetary policy and balance of
payment/ exchange rate policy. Fiscal policy package includes all the adopted fiscal measures
and is coded as a percentage of GDP. The monetary policy category includes three different
variables: 1) Interest rate cut1 by the monetary policy authority (coded as a percentage of
the ongoing rate on February 1st, 2020), 2) The size of the macro-financial package (coded as
a percentage of GDP), and 3) Other monetary policy measures (coded as a dummy variable
taking the value of 1 if there are such measures and 0, otherwise). Finally, the balance of
payment (BoP) and exchange rate policy category includes two variables. The first one reportsspecific BoP measures coded as a percentage of GDP and the second one is a dummy variabletaking the value of 1 if there are other reported measures and 0, otherwise.”

これに沿う限り:国費*または財政支出部分**(国費+財政投融資)部分がFiscal policy部分、残余をmonetary policy部分に計上すべきであり、EXCEL資料上でも二重計上の疑いがJAPANの項に有ります。
 **本来は国費部分を計上すべきですが、日本は混合経済と見られており、財政投融資を形を変えた予算と見てFiscal policy部分に計上することも一定の合理性があります。しかしながらこのような”評価に伴う投入先決定は”外的客観性の担保を放棄した恣意的なものであり、ノイズ発生の一因でもあります。

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