
「弱い文明」HPと連動するブログです。 by レイランダー


2010年06月04日 | パレスチナ/イスラエル








■ 被害者に謝罪、人的・物的損害を補償すること
■ 速やかに、拿捕した全船舶を返却しすべての乗船者を釈放すること
■ 事件を調査し、責任者を処罰すること。
■ 国際機関による厳正な調査を受け入れること
■ 非人道的なガザ地区封鎖をただちに解除すること


Japan Palestine Medical Association (JPMA)
E-mail : jpma@keb.biglobe.ne.jp
TEL: 090-2167-4802
住所:〒272-0816 千葉県市川市本北方2-6-5

Strong Protest against the Recent Israeli Attack on the Relief Flotilla

June 1, 2010

On May 31st, heavily armed mighty Israeli Forces attacked the flotilla heading for Gaza in order to deliver relief cargoes on the Mediterranean high seas, killed some ten passengers and injured dozens of others, according to reports by news media.
The Israelis captured the vessels, detained all the passengers and confiscated around ten thousand tons of cargo.

This is nothing but an international criminal act which is tantamount to an act of piracy by a state.

The Free Gaza Flotilla was composed of several vessels carrying some six hundred human rights and relief activists, politicians, journalists and others of various nationalities. It was sailing to Gaza port to deliver cement, prefabricated housing, water purifiers, medical equipment, medicine, food and other materials badly needed by the impoverished Gazan people. This was a humanitarian and peaceful action to alleviate their suffering.

As is well-known, the Gaza District had been suffering under the long lasting siege even before it was attacked by the Israeli Forces which launched "Operation Cast Lead", killed and injured thousands of Gaza inhabitants, destroyed many buildings and much of infrastructure. Numerous Gazans have been sustaining malnutrition, illness and extremely poor daily lives; patients are being denied proper treatment and youths being deprived of sufficient education because of the endless blockade.

The relief flotilla was conceived as a protest against this brutal siege of the Gaza District, to ease the people's pain, and to bring some hope to them. Attacking the relief boats on the high seas represents a challenge for international public opinion to strongly condemn this inhumane blockade.

People of the world will never forgive this brutal attack on this peaceful mission by the Israeli Forces. Hence, the Japan Palestine
Medical Association strongly protests against this heinous act committed by the Israelis and ask the Israeli Government to take the following actions:

■ Apologize to the victims and compensate the loss.
■ Swiftly release all the captured boats and the detained passengers.
■ Investigate the case and punish those who are responsible.
■ Accept thorough investigation of the incident by internationalbodies
■ Lift immediately this inhumane blockade on Gaza

Japan Palestine Medical Association (JPMA)
E-mail : jpma@keb.biglobe.ne.jp
TEL: (81)90-2167-4802
2-6-5 Motokitakata, Ichikawa City, Chiba, Japan 272-0816


