
「弱い文明」HPと連動するブログです。 by レイランダー

ガザの人々への連帯メッセージ・英訳 Part2 (追記あり)

2009年02月09日 | パレスチナ/イスラエル

Statement Regarding:
Palestine Autonomous Region Yesterday, Hyogo District of the United Church of Christ in Japan held an “Emergency Meeting on Palestine and Gaza”. The meeting was held to discuss what we can do to help the devastating situation in Gaza. According to the media reports on Jan. 20, both Israel and Hamas, which represents Palestine Autonomous Region, have agreed on cease-fire. Therefore, Israel’s aggression which caused death toll of over 1,300 Palestinians was ended at least for now.
However, the situation in Gaza has not changed very much. Israel had imposed a full blockade to Gaza for over one year, blocking even basic necessity and leaving people of Gaza near starvation. This remains us of “Warsaw Ghetto”. Israel has violated Oslo Accord which, we think, was to Israel’s advantage to begin with. We are very concerned, after seeing extreme devastation and sacrifice which people in Gaza endured, that people may lose hope. We also share their grief that, because of this seemingly superficial cease-fire, interest by the mass media diminishes and people in the world will forget their issue.
We fear that casualties from this conflict will increase if the World stops paying attention to them. We have not been very keen to the situation as much as we should. We have seen the reports of devastation but did not act upon it nor search for better solutions.
This reminds us of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake which hit southern part of Hyogo area in 1995. It reminded us how helpless we felt seeing increasing number of casualties on TV and reading about it in papers but could not do anything about it.
There is no difference in devastation of people whether it is caused by nature or caused by war or aggression, especially when victims are children, elderly, and socially vulnerable people. It is also true that their suffering will increase when policy makers and people surrounding them don’t care. Our area, Southern part of Hyogo Prefecture in Japan, has experienced much destruction in recent history.
We have experienced many losses from Great Earthquake in 1995, Fukuchiyama-line Train accidents in 2004 and two hurricanes in the same year. We cannot ignore the severe situation in Gaza and many casualties and loses people of Gaza endured. We share your sorrow and pain that each victim’s valuable future was cut short. Nothing can replace their lives.
We are also Christians who live in Hyogo and we feel and we hope to be connected to people who experienced pain.
We pray and strongly hope that Gaza will be freed and people in Gaza receive basic supplies, such as food, medicine, and basic housing and health-care needs.
We also hope that human rights of the people of Gaza will be protected.
We also demand fair reporting of affairs by media. We reject the reporting which carry out one-sided view of Israel.
‘And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.’ (Isaiah 2:4) This is a phrase from the Old Testament which was inscribed in front of United Nations Headquarters. It is an ultimate phrase for peace. We believe Jerusalem is the place where the belief described in the phrase can be achieved by Jews, Muslim and Christians. We are truly concerned about current situation where Jerusalem became a place for hate and fight, not for peace and reconciliations.
We hereby pledged to you that we will everything we can to achieve peace and reconciliations for Gaza and hope that there will be the day that people in Gaza live in peace.
January 20, 2009
The Executive Committee,Hyogo DistrictThe United Church of Christ in Japan

I have encountered the modern history of Palestine 20 years ago; and to this day, it has been the bases of my perspective towards world’s events. The base is that “no peace is achieved without justice.”
I live in a society where people value material wealth rather than justice, the society where people are satisfied with false peace. Giving thoughts to your struggle has helped me keep my sanity in check. I want to tell more and more people in Japan about your struggle and about issues facing Palestine and Israel. I want my country NOT to engage in helping Israel’s brutality. I want to stop the violence in Gaza and bring justice to those who brought this evil act to people of Gaza. I hereby pledge to you that I’ll do whatever I can to achieve these.
I hope and I believe someday the entire land which called Israel and autonomous areas of Palestinians will be reborn as “One New Palestine”.
Jan.2009 SAITO, Kazukiyo

I wish for peace in the land of Palestine.
Okazaki Baratubo Church, UCCJ

Iwamoto, Kanji

I realize how awfully Israel treats Palestinian people. They destroy Palestinians’ bodies and minds as if they are trying to destroy Palestine itself. This should not be tolerated. I would like to be open-minded and know the truth about this situation and act upon it as much as I can. I am sending a donation for medical relief.
Hashimoto, Toshiko

I have read the communication regarding the aid for Al Ahli Arab Hospital. I realized what actually going on which is very different from what is reported by newspapers and TV in Japan. I now have different image of Hamas. I also realized that I did not make an effort to know the truth. I am sending you a small donation.
Manabe, Miyako

My heart goes out to Palestine people and what is happening in Gaza. I cannot do very much but am sending you a small donation. I will gather more signatures for ending of blockade. I know this is not enough but …
Mayuzumi, Tadashi

I pray for hope in the land of Gaza. I want to let people in Gaza know that there are many people who are thinking of them and pray for them.
Okazaki, Junko

We are sending you our signatures to Free Gaza and small donations as we wonder what we can do now.
Nogata Church, UCCJ

We pray for the peace that Jesus Christ spoke about as soon as possible.
Bibai Church, UCCJ

I am outraged about the fact that this violence is allowed. Please do not give up.

I pray for the end of blockade in Gaza as soon as possible.
Nishio, Misao

We cannot do very much but we pray for the good work of people at Al Ahli Arab.
Hospital. Noheji Church, UCCJ

I enclosed very small amount with good wishes for the medical relief.
Kobayashi, Noboru

I am sending you a small donation with hope for Palestine.
Shoji, Tsutomu

We collected donation in our meeting on Jan. 28. Please use it for your activities.
Yokohama District, Women's Committee, Anglican Episcopal Church in Japan

I compare the establishment of Israel with establishment of Manchuria (by Japanese). This is the foolishness of the world that we could not end the war at the WWI. I ask for forgiveness. Please take care of yourselves.

To save lives of Gaza.
Yotsukaido Church, UCCJ

As I protest attack in Gaza by Israel, I am sending you a small contribution for your work at Al Ahli Arab Hospital and its supporters. I appreciate and respect your work.
Mizutani, Yasutaka

God bless you and your work
Fukuda, Shinri

I am hoping for larger voices of protest toward Israel’s actions in the world and among Israelis.
Shimamura, Machiko

City of Hiroshima is in mourning since December 27. We are continuing with demonstrations. Our hearts are with Gaza.
Feburary 2, Inkyo, Tomoko

With our prayers
Kamitoba Church, UCCJ

We pray for peace.
Miyata Church, UCCJ

アハリー・アラブ病院を支援する会 MAIL: ayyam_ahli@yahoo.co.jp
T/F 03-3207-1273

Just a small note to tell you that we have received your generous support of US$ 22062.88
Please in the name of all the oppressed Palestinians and the patients we serve at Ahli, convey my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for our brothers and sisters in Japan who have participated in supporting our Ministry of Healing either in money, prayers or advocacy for peace and justice in the Holy Land
May God bless you all
Suhaila Tarazi
Ahli Hospital Director


