

チョキチョキ! Snip, snip!

2012-09-28 | 人生



生まれて初めて髪の毛が腰までありました 不思議な重さでした。

I prefer Japanese hair stylists, so right before I returned to America, I lopped my hair off.

I knew from the start that I was going to chop it off after growing it all out. Especially when I realized I was going to Japan to work, I decided to keep my "Japan hair." And then I knew how long I'd lived in Japan based on the length of my hair. It was really interesting!

It was also the first time in my life I've ever had hair almost down to my butt. It was a strange feeling to have that weight.




I knew I was going to donate my hair in the end. I've had short hair since I was a child, so there was always no way for me to do it. But Locks of Love is famous in America, and I wanted to donate to it someday.



50センチ! 20 inches! 

このまま組織の住所へ送ります。I send it this way to the organization's address.



I miss my hair, but I suck at hair styles, so I feel like a liar when I think it's a waste. My shower time is half the time now, it's easier to sleep with, it's not itchy, and it doesn't get in my food when I eat. So yeah, it feels great!



In Japan, people cut their hair off when they have their heart broken. That custom isn't in America, but I felt like I wanted to face the next step in my life as a new person while I was finishing my job and getting ready to move back to America.