

帰国生活開始 The End of an Expat

2012-09-13 | 人生



I got back to America last month.

I was busy prepping my job for my successor and getting ready to move back overseas and processing my paperwork for leaving Japan and finishing up work projects I still had left over, so I was way too busy to even think about updating my blog. 


But that stuff's not very interesting anyway, so fear not, I'll now be able to share the fun stories of my life.



When I got back to the States, I immediately flew to see my boy D, without even having unpacked yet. So I'm not all the way home yet. (Kind of like a trip on the way.)


これから逆カルチャーショックになるに決まっているので、何かあったら投稿します まだ早いのでこれからですが、(でも英語で通じない和製英語をそのまま英語で言っているというのが毎日のようで困っています)先週はちょっとした出来事がありました。

私はまだアメリカの携帯を持っていない(iPhone 5を待っている)ので、Dくんの携帯を借りて友達と電話でしゃべっていました。友達に住所を教えることになってメールで送ることに。

I'm guaranteed to have reverse culture shock from now on, so when I do, I'll write about it. It's still early (aside from my constantly using English phrases that are used in Japan but aren't real English so they don't mean anything here, which is terrible for me) but I did have an incident last week.

I don't have an American cell phone yet since I'm waiting for the iPhone 5, so I was borrowing D's cell phone and talking to a friend. It was when I was going to tell said friend an address.





D: ...何の話?


D:  ................



D: (「アホかよ」という目つき)



D: 電話番号に送るんだよ。


D: ................

友: ................




D: (爆笑)俺日本人と付き合ってんな。


Me: I'll look up the address and send it to you.

Friend: Okay.

Me: (To D) Do you have [friend]'s mail address?

D: ...What are you talking about?

Me: (To D) I'm sending [friend] a text. Do you know his address?

D: ........

Friend: .......

Me: (To D) Do I text his phone number? What if his cell phone company's different?

D: (Gives me a look like I'm an idiot)

Friend: (Still silent)

Me: (To D) I just got home from a country that sends texts to mailing addresses you idiot now tell me!

D: You text their number.

Me: (To D) Even different companies?

D: ......

Friend: ......

Me: (To friend) I'll text you.

Friend: 'kay.


D: (laughs) I'm dating a Japanese.



And now this blog will, for the first time in three years, restart with the theme of life in America!