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翻訳;市長急死に伴う沖縄・宜野湾市長選、元職の佐喜真淳氏が出馬表明 保守系

2024-08-12 11:50:51 | Translation




> 佐喜真アツシ 宜野湾市長選挙出馬表明記者会見

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Former Mayor Atsushi Sakima (conservative) expressed his run in the the Ginowan mayoral election due to sudden death of the former mayor

>"市長急死に伴う沖縄・宜野湾市長選、元職の佐喜真淳氏が出馬表明 保守系"

> 米軍普天間飛行場を抱える沖縄県宜野湾市の市長死去に伴う市長選(9月8日投開票)を巡り、元市長の佐喜真淳氏(59)は7日、立候補を正式に表明した。
> 保守系議員らでつくる候補者選考委員会が立候補を要請し、佐喜真氏は受諾していた。
> 佐喜真氏は市内で記者会見し「普天間を一日も早く返還する姿勢を貫く」と強調。
> 返還実現のため名護市辺野古移設を容認し、7月に急逝した松川正則前市長の政策を継承する考えを示した。

Over the Okinawa Prefecture Ginowan City mayoral election (vote casting and counting on Sept. 8), where the U.S. Marine Corps. Air Station Futenma is hosted, due to sudden death of the former Mayor, on Aug. 7, former Mayor Atsushi Sakima offically expressed his candidacy.
A candidate screening committee formed by conservative assembly members requested him to run, and Sakima has accepted that.
Sakima held a press briefing in the city, and emphasized that "I will consistently take stance to realize return of the Futenma ASAP."
He showed his intention to accept its relocation to Henoko in Nago City in order for realization of the return, and succeed the policy measures of former Mayor Masanori Matsukawa, who suddendly died in July.

> 移設完了は 2030年代半ば以降となる見通し。
> 佐喜真氏は「期間短縮を政府に要請する」と主張した。
> 市長選では、辺野古移設に反対する勢力「オール沖縄」が、市議の桃原功氏(65)の擁立を決定。
> 普天間問題が主要な争点となる見通し。

It's forecasted that the relocation works will be completed in the mid-2030s or later.
Sakima asserted that "We will require the government to shorten the period."
When it comes to the mayoral election, the "All Okinawa" power opposing the relocation to Henoko, has fixed to field city council member Isao Tobaru (65).
It's forecasted that the Futenma issue will be a major contentious point.

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