Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:徴用工原告団に「亀裂」か 韓国政府案に容認意見が浮上

2023-02-21 07:05:41 | Translation

Ref.>"徴用工原告団に「亀裂」か 韓国政府案に容認意見が浮上"


> 元徴用工の原告側「過去の総理大臣談話継承では謝罪にならない」

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Maybe, there is a 'divide' in the plaintiff organization of conscripted workers lawsuit = an accept-opinion to the solution of Seoul emerges

>"徴用工原告団に「亀裂」か 韓国政府案に容認意見が浮上"

> いわゆる徴用工訴訟問題で、韓国政府側が日本企業の賠償を肩代わりする解決案に関し、原告の一部で容認する意見が広がりつつある。
> これに対し、日本側の謝罪や資金拠出が必須だと主張する原告支援団体などは野党との連携を強化し、韓国政府との対決姿勢を一層鮮明にしている。
> 原告団の「亀裂」は問題の長期化につながる恐れもある。

Concerning so-called lawsuit, some plaintiffs are increasingly accepting the solution that the Seoul side will take over compensation-payment from Japanese companies.
On the other hand, the plaintiff supporting organization(s) and so on, which assert that Japan's apology and financial contribution are must, has strengthened cooperation with the opposition party(s) and has made its confrontational stance with Seoul even clearer.
A "divide" in the plaintiff organization(s) could lead to prolongation of the problem.

> 韓国主要紙の中央日報は15日、韓国政府案について「完璧ではないが、韓国政府が努力してきた事実自体を非難したい考えはない」として支持する複数の原告遺族の意見を伝えた。
> 2018年の韓国最高裁判決で勝訴が確定した原告は14人で、存命中の3人以外は遺族が訴訟を引き継いでいる。
> 韓国政府の対日姿勢を「屈辱外交を続けている」と非難する原告支援団体の会見内容などが大きく報じられる一方、こうした遺族の声はこれまで伝えられていなかった。

On Feb. 15, Korea JoongAng Daily, a major newspaper in S. Korea, reported an opinion of several bereaved families of the plaintiffs supporting the Seoul's proposal, saying that "It's not perfect, but I don't have intention to criticize the fact that Seoul has been working hard."
In 2018, the number of plaintiffs who were finalized the verdict favorable to them by the Supreme Court of Korea was 14. The bereaved family has taken over the lawsuit except for the three who are still alive.
While the contents of press briefings held by plaintiff supporting organization(s) criticizing the Seoul's position toward Japan as "continuous humiliating diplomacy" are reported significantly, such voice of the bereaved families have yet been reported until now.

> 別の主要紙、東亜日報も14日、「賠償であれ他の方法であれ、早く問題を解決すべきだ」などと政府案を容認する原告の声を紹介。
> 韓国紙の外交担当記者の一人は「原告代理人や支援団体の意見を反映する『原告側』と、原告の立場は相当違う」と指摘する。

On Feb. 14, another major newspaper, the Dong-A Ilbo, also introduced a voice of the plaintiff accepting the governmental program, saying that "The problem should be resolved as soon as possible, whether or not the compensation or other means."
A reporter of a newspaper in S. Korea in charge of diplomacy pointed out that "The plaintiff's position is quite different from the [plaintiff's side], which reflects the opinions of the plaintiffs' lawyers and supporting organizations."

> 当事者と支援団体の意見の「ズレ」は、慰安婦問題の「最終的かつ不可逆的」解決を確認した15年の日韓合意の際にも生じていた。
> 支援団体側が合意への反対世論を喚起する一方、当時存命だった元慰安婦 47人のうち、35人が合意に基づく支援金の支給に応じた。

The "gap" between the parties concerned and the supporting organization also emerged at the time of Japan-S. Korea agreement (2015), which confirmed the "final and irreversible" settlement of comfort women issue.
While the support organization aroused public opinion against the agreement, 35 out of 47 former CW who were still alive at that time accepted the payment of support-money based on the agreement.

> 韓国外務省と「賠償肩代わり」の主体となる政府傘下の財団側は、支援団体などを介さずに直接原告と交渉する試みを加速させている。
> 今月 28日には政府側と原告関係者の会合が予定されているが、政府側が会合を前に、水面下で原告らとの個人面談を進めていたことが発覚。
> 原告代理人弁護士は「高齢の原告との円滑なやり取りのため代理人に協力を求めておきながら、事前の通知なしに原告と連絡を取るのは不当だ」と反発を強める。

S, Korean Foreign Ministry and the government-affiliated foundation, which will be the main body of "taking compensation over," have accelerated an attempt to talk directly with the plaintiffs without going through supporting organization, etc.
On Feb. 28, a meeting is scheduled between the government and plaintiff concerned person(s), and it's revealed that the government side has proceeded with personal hearings with the plaintiffs behind the scenes in prior to the meeting.
Lawyer(s) representing the plaintiff strengthens the displeasure, saying that "It's unfair to contact the plaintiff without prior notice, even though it requested the cooperation of the attorney in order to facilitate smooth communication with the elderly plaintiff."

> 原告支援団体などは16日、韓国政府案の撤回を主張する野党系議員の会合に参加。
> 徴用工問題の「政治争点化」で加勢を得て、政府に対抗する構えだ。
> 最大野党「共に民主党」幹部は会合で「日本の戦犯企業が払うべき賠償金を韓国企業が背負うのは、解決ではなく屈辱だ」などと述べ、政府案を批判した。

On Feb. 16, plaintiff supporting organization(s) and so on participated in a meeting held by opposition lawmakers, who insisted on withdrawing the Seoul's proposal.
They take position to stand up to the government by gaining support by "politicization" of conscripted workers issue.
At the meeting, an executive of the largest opposition party, "Democratic Party of Korea," criticized the government's proposal, saying that "It's not a solution but humiliation to make S. Korean companies shoulder the compensation that Japanese war criminal companies should pay."

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