Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/12)

2024-08-13 09:20:49 | Translation


>"「よくこれで OK出たな…」と パリ五輪の閉会式を目撃した画家が絶句、ヨーロッパの美大ではデッサンは重視されないと聞くが……"

>【一般ライブ】8/12 (月) 17:00~17:40【マンデーバスターズ】ほんこん×斎藤七夏瑚×門田隆将×高橋洋一

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/12)


> 新たな映像を "勝手に高市早苗さんを応援する会"が up。
> 逼迫する国民経済、忍び寄る安全保障上の脅威…
> 国民の生命・財産を守り、日本を強く豊かにする為の政策を具体的に提唱する政治家。
> これほど危機が迫っても、日本は平和ボケ媚中政治家の政権たらい回しを続けるのだろうか

"Unofficial association to support Sanae Takaichi" (correct name in English is unknown) uploaded a new footage.
The national economy in a dire situation, creeping security threats up...
(* LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP)) is a politician, who concretely proposes policy measures to protect the lives and property of the nationals and make Japan stronger and more prosperous.
Even though the crisis to such degree is inminent, will Japan continue administrative-rotation among pro-China & peace at any cost mindset politicians!?



> 各地で大盛況が続く「高市早苗講演会」。
> 保守・現実派の祈りが満ちる会場では「あらゆる意味で日本が危機にある今、このままでいいのか」との参加者の怒りの声が直接聞ける。
> 8月 24日には初めて「東海 名古屋大会」開催。
> このままでは日本が終る、との危機感を持つ熱き東海地方の皆さん、お集まり下さい

"Takaichi Sanae Lectures" are huge success in various places.
In venues filled with praying by conservatives & pragmatists, you can hear the angry voices of the participants directly that "Now that Japan is in crisis in every sense, is it no problem to go as it is?"
On Aug. 24, the 1st "Tokai Nagoya rally" will be held.
All the passionate persons in the Tokai region, who feel a sense of crisis that "Japan will end if it goes as it is," please gather the venue.



> 精魂込めて日本の職人が造った東京五輪のメダルやケース。
> アスリート達の努力に報いようとする日本人の思いは食事、宿舎、輸送、競技対応…
> 全てに発揮された。
> 今も多くの選手の東京五輪賛辞が続いている事は誇らしい。
> それと共にアスリートを尊重できない都市は開催地に立候補しない事をお願いしたい

The Tokyo Olympics "medals" and "cases," which were made with great care by Japanese craftsmen.
The Japanese intention to reward the efforts of the athletes was evident in everything from meals to accommodation, transportation, and competition support.
I'm proud that, even in nowadays, many athletes continuously praise the Tokyo Olympics.
Along with that, I would like to request that cities, that can't respect the athletes, not to bid host the games.

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