Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 8/8)

2024-08-08 22:02:36 | Translation



>"【動画】大石あきこ議員、強制排除される… れいわ支持者「戦争を止める為に闘って下さってありがとうございます!この動画もっとみんなに見てもらうべき!」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/8)


> 国会議員がやることか。
Is it what a national lawmaker (* LH lawmaker Akiko Oishi (Reiwa-shinsengumi)) should do!?



> 水泳界のレジェンドであるマイケル・フェルプ氏が、東京五輪で 23人の中国選手がドーピング陽性だったのに出場を許可した WADAを批判。

Swimming legend "Michael Fred Phelps" criticized the WADA for allowing 23 Chinese athletes to compete in the Tokyo Olympics despite testing positive for doping.
He said that "Doping is an unfair act, that robs other athletes who have worked hard for four years of their chance to win. If someone test positive, he or she should be barred from competing again."

>"中国勢の薬物疑惑に怪物フェルプス氏「ドーピングした選手は永久追放すべき」 パリ五輪"


> 韓国政府が佐渡金山に「強制動員」された新潟県立文書館にある「半島労務者名簿」を提供してほしいと要求しているが、日本側が応じないことを、韓国マスコミが批判。
> そりゃ強制動員なんてないから、ないものは出せない。出したら「強制労働」をでっち上げて、最後は「金を出せ」と言うだけだし。

Mass media in S. Korea criticizes that, even though Seoul requires to provide a "name-list of Korean Peninsula native workers," who were "forced to be mobilized" at the Sado gold mines, which has been conserved at the Niigata Prefectural Airchives, but the Japanese side has yet not consent to that.
However, forceful mobilization wasn't taken place, it's therefore impossible to turn in not exist matter. If (Japan) turns in, (S. Korea) will forge "foeced labor" and say "give me money" finally.

>"追悼式を開くと言いながら… 佐渡金山動員「朝鮮人名簿」も出さない日本"

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