Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;中国「核汚染水」対応を注視 次期首相に高い関心

2024-08-15 08:47:54 | Translation

Ref.>"中国が早田ひなに激怒 中国メダリスト2人もフォロー外す"

>"中国「パリ五輪は中国が総合優勝だ。香港と台湾の成績も中国」 7億以上のヒット"

>'【中国】 "しつけ"のため? 母親から道路に放置された子供、車に轢かれる…(※動画)'

>"China's Iron Grip on Tibet a Scathing Indictment of Religious Repression"

> 北京市民「驚いた」岸田総理の総裁選への不出馬表明 処理水放出で広く知られる(2024年8月14日)

Translation; China is highly interested in the next Japanese PM = closely watching the measures to deal with "nuclear treated waste (* not contaminated) water"

>"中国「核汚染水」対応を注視 次期首相に高い関心"

> 中国外務省は14日、岸田文雄首相の自民党総裁選への不出馬表明に関し「状況を注視している」との談話を出し、首相が交代しても日中の戦略的互恵関係を推進する立場を示した。
> 中国は東京電力福島第1原発の処理水を「核汚染水」と呼び岸田政権下で始まった海洋放出を非難しており、交流サイト(SNS)には次期首相の対応に関心を寄せる投稿が相次いだ。

Concerning that PM Fumio Kishida expressed not to run in the LDP presidential election, on Aug. 14, Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statmenet to "pay close attention to the situation," and showed its position to proceed Sino-Japan strategic mutually beneficial relations even after replacement of the prime minister.
China has described treated waste water from TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant as "nuclear (* not) contaminated water" and criticized the maritime discharge, which was kicked off during the Kishida administration. On social media, comments to be interested in measures by the next PM were posted one after another.

> 中国メディアは日本の報道を引用して岸田氏の不出馬を速報。
> 国営通信新華社は総裁選出馬に意欲を示す政治家を紹介し、次期首相に注目していることをうかがわせた。
> 中国外務省は不出馬についての共同通信の質問に「日本の内政であり論評しない」とコメントした。

Mass media in China, citing Japanese reports, broke the news that Kishida would not run. The state-run Xinhua News Agency introduced politicians showing their will to run in the presidential election, while suggesting that it paid close attention to who will be the next prime minister.
In response to a question from Kyodo News about the not running in the election, the Chinese Foreign Ministry commented that "As it's Japan's domestic affair, we doesn't comment on it."

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