Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;南西諸島の防衛強化で対中抑止を 訪米の与那国町長

2024-08-31 09:09:31 | Translation

Ref.>"NHK、中国通販サイトを大絶賛! → 2日後、有害物質検出…"

>【沖縄の声】【NHK沖縄も電波乱用】辺野古区民と米軍の密着度に反米サヨクも仰天/NHK沖縄の信じがたいニュース報道介入/歴史から消される「みどり丸 遭難事件」【惠隆之介】[桜R6/8/30]

Translation; Yonaguni Town Mayor Kenichi Itokazu, who is visiting the U.S., argued to deter China via upgrade of defense capability around the Nansei Islands

>"南西諸島の防衛強化で対中抑止を 訪米の与那国町長"

> 台湾から約110キロの離島・沖縄県与那国町の糸数健一町長は 30日、訪問先のワシントンで、南西諸島の防衛強化を通じて抑止力を高め、中国に台湾侵攻をためらわせる必要があると強調した。
> 日本企業の駐在員との会合で語った。

On Aug. 30, Kenichi Itokazu, mayor of the Yonaguni Town in Okinawa, a remote island about 110 km away from Taiwan, emphasized in Washington DC whhere he was visiting that it's necessary to upgrade deterrence via upgrade of defense capability of the Nansei Islands in order to make China hesitate to invade Taiwan.
He appealed that "We must avoid a Taiwan contingency by all means."
He said so during a meeting with Japanese companies' expatriates.

> 台湾への関与に消極姿勢を示す米共和党のトランプ前大統領に関して「米議会は国益の毀損を許さないだろう」と述べ、大統領に返り咲いた場合でも対中政策では台湾重視の超党派対応が期待できるとした。
> 中国軍機による 26日の初の日本領空侵犯は「明らかに計画的だ」とし、日本の対応能力を確認する狙いだと指摘した。

Concerning former U.S. President D. Trump (Rep.), who has shown a reluctant stance to be involved in Taiwan, he said that "The U.S. Congress probably won't tolerate the damage to the national interests," and argued that, even if he returns to the presidency, we would be able to expect Taiwan-emphasizing bipartisan responses in the policy to China.
He said that the 1st violation of the Japanese airspace by a Chinese military aircraft on Aug. 26 was "clearly planned," and pointed out that the aim was to test Japan's response capabilities.

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