>"【は?】時事通信「速報 林氏は選択的夫婦別姓制度に前向きな考えを示した」→ 会見みた人からむしろ逆だったというツッコミ多数"
>"【うわ】NHK朝ドラ、プロパガンダ化が加速 もはや夫婦別姓推進運動 夫婦同姓は「不利益・不都合」「自分が失われる」「不平等」「同姓か別姓かは憲法で保障された権利の筈」"
Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 9/4)
> 夫婦別姓と混合姓
> 夫婦別姓の韓国には父と母の姓を一緒に合わせて使う運動があり、実際それを使ってる人たちがいる。
> 例えば金正恩なら、父(金)と母(高)の姓両方を使って「金高正恩」と名乗る。
> 主にフェミたちがやってることで、それが男性中心社会への抗議で、女(母)への敬意だというのだ。
> 法律では認められてないが、そのような名前を使ってる政治家、教授、有名人もけっこういる。
> しかし、「それ(母の姓)も結局、男(外祖父)の姓じゃないか?」の質問には誰も答えられていない🙄
> 意図は評価するが、慣習というのはそんな簡単に、強引に変えられるものではないと思う🤔
Separate surnames for married couples and mixed surnames.
In S. Korea, where married couples have separate surnames, there is a movement to use the surnames of the father and mother jointly, and there are persons who actually use it.
For example, when it comes to Kim Jong-un, it uses both his father's (Kim) and mother's (Ko) surnames and calls himself "KimKo Jong-un."
This is mainly done by feminists, who say it's a protest against male-dominated society and a sign of respect for females (mothers).
Even though it's not recognized by law, there are considerable numbers of "politicians," "professors" and "celebrities" who use such names.
However, no one has been able to answer the question that "Isn't that (the mother's surname) also the male's (grandfather's) surname after all?"🙄
I appreciate the intention. However, I think that customs can't be changed so easily and forcefully🤔
>"岸田 LGBT法に批判殺到/自民党、女性自認者のトイレ、浴場使用を身体的特徴で区別する「尻拭い法案」策定"
Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 9/4)
> 未だ「脱税!」「泥棒」「犯罪者」という誹謗中傷が後を絶たないので、改めてこの記事をシェアします。
Since the slanderous comments such as "tax evasion!," "thief" and "criminal" are continuouly coming in, I would like to share this article again.
Ref.>"K-POPアイドル『独島(=竹島)は我が領土』→ フィフィさん「日本で稼いで、祖国ではプロパガンダ活動」"
>"ナザレンコ氏「『独島は我が領土』を歌ったK-POPアイドルがニュースになっているが、韓国人だから何もおかしいことしていない… 日本のファンがおかしい」"
↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)
Translation; A flood of criticism against the answer by Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo = did the Korean Peninsula natives, who worked at Japan's Sado gold mines, go there voluntarily, or forceful taking away?
>"佐渡金山で働いた朝鮮人は自発的に行った? それとも強制連行? 韓国雇用労働部長官の回答に批判殺到"
> 2024年9月2日、韓国・毎日経済は「金文洙(キム・ムンス)雇用労働部長官が『日本植民地時代の先祖の国籍は日本』という立場を改めて示した」と伝えた。
> 記事によると、金長官は同日、国会予算決算特別委員会の総合政策質疑で、先月 26日に国会で行われた人事聴聞会での「日本植民地時代の先祖の国籍は日本」という発言の真意を問う野党議員からの質問に対し「日本国籍でないというなら、どこの国籍なのか」と問い返した。
On Sept. 2, 2024, the Maeil Business Newspaper in S. Korea reported that "Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo once again showed his position that "the nationality of our ancestors was Japanese during the Japanese annexation (* not colonial) period."
According to the article, at a general policy Q&A session of special committee on budget and accounts of the national assembly on that day, Minister Kim questioned back that "If you say it wasn't Japanese nationality, what's the nationality?" in response to a question from an opposition lawmaker questioning true intention of his remark that "the nationality of our ancestors during the Japan annexation (* not colonial) period was Japanese."
> また、金長官は「臨時政府は国ではない」とし、「孫基禎(ソン・ギジョン)選手が日章旗をつけてベルリン五輪に出場したからといって彼も親日派になるのか。売国奴ではなく愛国者だ」と強調した。
> 記事は「孫選手が日本国籍として五輪に出場したことを挙げて自身の論理を正当化したものとみられる」と説明している。
In addition, Minister Kim Moon-soo pointed out that "The provisional government wasn't a country" and emphasized that "Just because Sohn Kee-chung competed in the Berlin Olympics with the Japanese national flag, did it mean he was pro-Japan too? He was a patriot, not a traitor."
The article explained that "It seems that he justified his logic by pointing out that Sohn Kee-chung competed in the Olympics with Japanese nationality."
> さらに、金長官は野党議員からの「日本の佐渡金山、軍艦島などで働いた朝鮮人は自発的にお金を稼ぎに行った労働者か、それとも強制連行された奴隷か」との質問に対し「その部分については勉強していないので正確には分からない」と答えたという。
Furthermore, in response to a question from an opposition lawmaker that "Were the Korean Peninsula natives, who worked at Japan's Sado gold mines and Battleship Island, workers who went there voluntarily to earn money, or forcefully taken away as slaves?", Minister Kim Moon-soo allegedly answered that "As I have never studies about that, I can't see that correctly."
> この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「一般人でも猛批判される発言なのに、それを長官が言うとはね」「いっそ『国籍はなかった』『国を失った民族だから国はなかった』と言ってくれた方がいい。なぜ日本人になる?」「佐渡金山の強制徴用は別途勉強しないと分からないことなの?。こんな人が韓国の長官に任命されただなんてあきれる」「佐渡金山や軍艦島の強制徴用はわざわざ学ぶものではなく常識だよ。これが現在の韓国の状況か…。とんでもないことになってしまった」「韓国国民なら小学生でも知っていることを知らずに長官の座に?。もう日本国民になりなよ。なぜ韓国国籍で生きているの?」など金長官への厳しい声が上がっている。
S. Korean netizens, who read the article, are posting harch comments to Minister Kim Moon-soo as follows;
"Even though it's the remark that would be heavily criticized even by ordinary persons, it's surprising that the Minister said so."
"It would've been better if he had just said that [They had no nationality] & [They were the ethnic group who lost their country, so they didn't have a country]. Why they were Japanese?" (* The reason why is that it's the historical fact).
"Is forceful conscription at Sado gold mines a (* OinK) matter that he can't understand unless studying it separately? I'm shocked that such person is appointed as the minister of S. Korea."
"The forced labor at the Sado gold mines and Battleship Island is (* OinK) common sense, which isn't something we have to study. Is this the situation in S. Korea in nowadays... It has become outrageous."
"He is in a position of minister without knowing matters that even elementary school students know, if they are S. Korean citizen? Why doesn't he become a Japanese citizen? Why does he still live as a S. Korean citizen?"
Ref.>"韓国で旭日旗と似た記念バッジ… 全量回収へ"
>"【韓国】 給料上がっても財布スカスカ… 実質賃金 39万円、2年連続マイナス"
>"【韓国】ソウル市、汚染水デマに騙され水産物 26000件検査も異常なし ムダ金垂れ流す"
>"【韓国】橋から人が飛び降りようとした瞬間… 男が人を助けずにカバンを盗んで自転車で逃走 警察に捕まる"
↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)
Translation; [Hello from Seroul]. The lyrics of "east sea" echoed through Koshien Stadium, and the "Rising Sun Flag" fluttered on the scoreboard
>"[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 甲子園に響いた歌詞「東海」、スコアボードにはためいた「旭日旗」"
> 夏の甲子園で韓国系の京都国際高校が初優勝したことに韓国世論は大喜びだ。
> 元は在日韓国人の学校で経営陣や校長は韓国人だが、今や野球部員や監督、生徒の大多数は日本人なので「韓日合作の奇跡のドラマ」という評もあった。
S. Korean general public opinion is overjoyed that the S. Korean-line Kyoto International High School won the summer Koshien tournament for the 1st time.
The school was originally for S. Korean residents in Japan, and the management and principal are S. Koreans. However, the majority of the baseball team members, coach, and students are Japanese in nowadays. Some have therefore called it a "miraculous drama of Japan-S. Korea collaboration."
> 韓国系を物語るのが韓国語の校歌。
> 歌詞に祖先が「トンヘ(東海)」を渡り日本にやってきたとあるので日本の一部に不満と不快の声が出た。
> 韓国が近年、官民挙げて「日本海」の名称を拒み「東海」を主張していることから「甲子園で『東海』はけしからん!」というわけだ。
It's the school song written in Korean-language, which tells the school's S. Korean line.
The lyrics say that their ancestors crossed the "East Sea" to come to Japan, which has caused dissatisfaction and anger in some parts of Japan.
In recent years, both governmental sector and private sector have rejected the name "Sea of Japan" and insisted on the "East Sea." Some therefore argued that "It's outrageous to say [east sea] at Koshien!".
> しかし学校側が提出した日本語訳は「東の海」で日本のテレビ字幕もそうなっていた。
> 実はこれが正解なのだ。
> 東海は単に韓国の「東側の海」を表し、同じく西側は「西海」で南側は「南海」となっている。
> つまり自国を中心にした狭い範囲の「東海」を広域の国際名称である「日本海」の代わりに使えという主張が無理なのだ。
However, the Japanese translation submitted by the school was "eastern sea," and the subtitle in a Japanese TV program was the same.
In fact, this is correct.
East Sea simply means the "eastern sea" of S. Korea. Similarly, the west side is "western sea" and the south side is "southern sea."
In other words, it is unreasonable to argue to use "East Sea," which refers to a narrow area centered on one's own country, instead of the wider international name "Sea of Japan."
There's no need to worry about it, since "East Sea is not the Sea of Japan."
> ところで甲子園球場では主催者の朝日新聞社の社旗である〝旭日旗〟が、スコアボードをはじめあちこちではためいていた。
> この光景に韓国のいつもの反日主義者はイチャモンをつけないのかしら。
> これで旭日旗は軍国主義とは無関係と分かったかな?
By the way, at Koshien Stadium, the "Rising Sun Flag," the company flag of the organizer, the Asahi Shimbun Company, was fluttering at various locations, including on the scoreboard.
Won't the usual anti-Japan persons in S. Korea find fault with this sight!?
Do they understand that the Rising Sun Flag has nothing to do with militarism due to that?
>"河野太郎「効率が上がらない企業は終わりにする」⇒ ネットの反応「世襲貴族は平民なんて虫けらみたいに思ってるんだろ」「親の七光りが気楽に言うなあ」"
> 安倍総理から高市総理へ繋がれば流れができる / 菅傀儡政権成立阻止には麻生副総裁の力が不可欠 麻生副総裁はどう動くのか?【マンデーバスターズ】350 Vol.1 / 20240902
Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/3)
> 自民党入党資格には "満18歳以上で日本国籍を有する方"とある。
> だが現実は、国籍を確認している国会議員事務所は殆どない。
>「これは他国による "総裁選"工作を可能にするという事。重大な問題だ」と世良公則氏。
> 早急に対策を立てなければならない。
> 新総裁はそれができるのか。
> これも争点に
It's stipulated that the qualifications for joining the LDP are "persons aged 18 or over, who have Japanese nationality."
But in reality, very few Diet members' offices check nationality.
Masanori Sera X-posted that 'This means that it becomes possible for a foreign country to manipulate the "presidential election." This is a serious problem.'
Countermeasures must be taken immediately.
Will the new LDP president be able to do this?
This is also a point of contention.
> 二階俊博氏が王毅外相に要求したパンダの貸与。
> 王毅氏は前向きだそうだ。
> で、中国に拘束されている邦人は?
> 誇りも使命感もない日中友好議連の面々に、"恥"の概念は存在するのだろうか
Lental of pandas, which Toshihiro Nikai requested Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
Wang Yi allegedly takes a positive stance.
Btw, what about the Japanese nationals being detained in China?
Koichiro Yoshida X-posted that "I wonder whether or not these persons don't require that 'We don't need pandas, but return the Japanese nationals being detained'."
Does the concept of 'shame' exist among the members of the Japan-China Friendship Parliamentary League, who have neither pride nor a sense of mission!?
>"中国の王毅外相、日本へのパンダ貸与に意欲 二階俊博氏との面会で"
> 夫婦別姓賛成との小泉進次郎発言の波紋が収まらない。
> 河野太郎+石破茂+菅義偉の "神奈川連合"は同じ見解と城之内みな氏。
> 自民党が本当に "左翼リベラル政党"に変貌しているなら致し方なし。
> だが国政選6連勝を成し遂げた真の保守・現実派は絶対に戻らない
The ripples from Koizumi Shinjiro's remark in favor of separate surnames for married couples has yet calmed down.
Mina Jonouchi X-posted that the "Kanagawa Alliance" of Taro Kono, Shigeru Ishiba and Suga Yoshihide share the same view.
She posted that "Given that, I guess that they will be all in agreement on the direction of a female emperor, same-sex marriage, phasing out nuclear power, promoting renewable energy, and opposing military power upgrade."
If the LDP has really transformed into a "left-wing liberal party," it can't be helped.
But the true "conservatives & pragmatists," who achieved six consecutive victories in national elections, will never return.
> と麻生派から駆けつけてくれた。
> これ以上はない勇者を迎えた高市選対。
> 突き進め!
Arimura Haruko, a "person of conviction and determination," expressed her support for Sanae Takaichi!
She rushed from the Aso faction, saying that "Who is it that can fulfill the national vision, courage, flair, communication skills and mission required to be Prime Minister to protect Japan and its 124 million nationals under pressure that is beyond words? Who is it that has made up that determination and has always been prepared?"
Takaichi's election campaign team has welcomed a ultimate brave person.
Push forward!