Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;香港雨傘運動「精神は死なず」 10年で活動家、都内シンポ

2024-09-27 06:49:10 | Translation

Ref.>"EDITORIAL | Heads Must Roll at NHK for Chinese Broadcast Hijacking"

>"中国外務省「越えてはならないレッドラインだ」と反発 海自護衛艦 台湾海峡通過に ⇒ ネットの反応「お前が言うなww お前んとこは太平洋にICBMだろ」「もう越えたぞ?どうする?」"

> What's changed for Hong Kong’s umbrella activists 10 years on?

Translation; "The spirit has not yet died" -- Hong Kong Umbrella Movement activists hold symposium in Tokyo on 10th anniversary

>"香港雨傘運動「精神は死なず」 10年で活動家、都内シンポ"

> 香港で 2014年に発生した大規模民主化デモ「雨傘運動」から10年を迎え、東大駒場キャンパスで 26日、記念シンポジウムが開かれた。
> 運動を指導した活動家らが来日して参加し「運動の精神は死んではいない。いつか香港の民主化が実現すると信じている」と訴えた。

It has been 10 years since the large-scale democratization campaign known as the "Umbrella Movement" broke out in Hong Kong in 2014, and a commemorative symposium was held on Sept. 26 at the University of Tokyo's Komaba campus.
Activists, who led the movement, came to Japan, participated in it and appealed that "The spirit of the movement has yet not died. We believe that, one day, democratization will be realized in Hong Kong."

> デモで香港の金融街占拠を指導、その後実刑判決を受け服役した陳健民・元香港中文大副教授は「雨傘運動は多数の学生らが集まった歴史的な抗議運動で、若者が香港人アイデンティティーを持つきっかけとなった」と振り返った。
> 陳氏は19年の香港反政府デモにも触れ「雨傘運動が進化した。今後、民主化運動がさらに発展し復活する可能性もある」と期待を込めた。

Chan Kin-man -- former associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who led occupation of Hong Kong's financial district in rallies and was subsequently sentenced to prison -- looked back that "The Umbrella Movement was a historic protest campaign in which many students participated, and marked the beginning for youngsters to have Hong Kong identity."
Chan Kin-man commented on anti government rallies in Hong Kong in 2019 too, and expressed his expectation that "The Umbrella Movement evolved. There is also a possibility that the democratization campaign will develop further and be revived in the future."

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翻訳;台湾海峡護衛艦通過、首相が指示 中国反発、東アジア不安定化恐れ

2024-09-27 06:11:55 | Translation


>"『偽装辞任』と NHKに批判殺到ー中国人発言で辞任の理事、1週間後にプロデューサーで再雇用"

>【速報】海自艦が台湾海峡初通過 岸田首相指示、中国は反発

Translation; China is displeased therefore it could de-stabilize East Asia = PM Fumio Kishida directed to make JS Sazanami pass through the Taiwan Strait

>"台湾海峡護衛艦通過、首相が指示 中国反発、東アジア不安定化恐れ"

> 海上自衛隊の護衛艦「さざなみ」による台湾海峡通過を巡り、岸田文雄首相が通過を指示していたことが 26日、関係者への取材で分かった。
> 日本周辺で相次ぐ中国側の軍事挑発への対抗策として官邸主導で判断。
> 中国は反発しており、今後、東アジア地域の不安定化につながる恐れがある。
> 日本政府は米国と連携して警戒監視を強化するとともに、中国の反応を慎重に見極める構えだ。

Over passing through the Taiwan Strait by the Japanese Maritime SDF destroyer JS Sazanami (DD-113), on Sept. 26, it turned out that PM Fumio Kishida directed the passing through.
It was judged at the initiative of the Kantei (* PM's Official Residence) as a countermeasure to the successive military provocations by China around Japan.
China is displeased, it therefore could lead to de-stabilization in the East Asian region from now on.
Tokyo takes stance to cooperate with the U.S. to upgrade vigilance and surveillance, and carefully monitor China's reaction.

> 防衛省制服組トップの吉田圭秀統合幕僚長は 26日の記者会見で、海峡通過に関して言及を避けたが「中国軍のインド太平洋地域全体での活動拡大、活発化はわが国だけでなく国際社会にとっても深い懸念事項と認識している」と強調した。
At a press briefing on Sept. 26, Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida -- the Chief of Staff, Joint Staff of the Japanese SDF, who is the top of the uniformed members -- avoided to comment on the passing through the Taiwan Strait, but he emphasized that "We recognize that the expansion and intensification of Chinese military activities throughout the Indo-Pacific region is a matter of deep concern not only for Japan but also for the international community."

> 中国外務省の林剣副報道局長は記者会見で「中国は日本側の政治的意図を非常に警戒しており、既に厳正な申し入れをした」と述べ、抗議したことを明らかにした。
> 関係者によると、さざなみは 25日、オーストラリアやニュージーランドの艦艇とともに東シナ海側から台湾海峡を南に航行した。
> さざなみなどは南シナ海である演習に向かったとみられる。

At a press briefing (* on Sept. 26), Deputy Director General of the Department of Press, Communication and Public Diplomacy Lin Jian (* spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry) revealed to have lodged a protest, saying that >"China is highly vigilant on Japan's political intention behind this move and has protested to the Japanese side."
According to sources, on Sept. 25, the JS Sazanami sailed southward from the East China Sea side through the Taiwan Strait together with Australian and New Zealand naval vessels.
It seems that JS Sazanami and others were heading for a military exercise in the South China Sea.

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翻訳;独の公有地に設置の慰安婦像、区が撤去命令へ 韓国系団体、私有地への移設を拒否

2024-09-27 05:11:58 | Translation

Ref.>"【韓国】ベルリンの慰安婦像、区が4週間以内の撤去命令へ 韓国団体は拒否"



↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; S. Korean organizaiton, "Korea Verband," refuses to relocate the statue to private property = the District Office issued an order to remove the camp follower (* not military CW) statue installed in a public land in Germany

>"独の公有地に設置の慰安婦像、区が撤去命令へ 韓国系団体、私有地への移設を拒否"

> ドイツの首都ベルリン市ミッテ区の公有地に韓国系市民団体が設置した従軍慰安婦の被害を象徴する慰安婦像について、区は設置を認めた期限が切れるのを前に24日、団体に私有地への移設を提案したが、団体は拒否した。
区は 25日、4週間以内の撤去を命じると発表した。

Regarding the camp follower (* aka (not) military comfort woman) statue -- which symbolizes the (* fake) suffering of wartime camp followers (* aka comfort women) and erected by a Korean civic organization in a public land in the Mitte District, Berlin, the capital of Germany -- on Sept. 24, before the deadline for approving the installation expired, the District Office proposed to the organization to move it to a private land. However, the organization rejected the proposal.
On Sept. 25, the Ward Office released to order the removal within four weeks.

> 団体は戦時下の性暴力を伝える像として恒久的な設置を求めていた。
> 19日に区議会で像を残すことを求める動議が賛成多数で採択されたが法的拘束力はなく、区長は公有地の明け渡しを求め、団体と代替策を協議すると表明していた。

The organization has demaded permanent installment as a statue to convey (* fake) sexual violene during wartime.
On Sept. 19, the district council passed a motion by a majority to demand to remain the statue in place, but it's not legally binding. Mitte District Mayor (* Stefanie Remlinger) required surrender of the public land and expressed her intention to talk with the organization about alternatives.

> 区長は 25日の声明で「像を恒久的に残す合法的な方法は私有地への移設しかない」と強調し「団体が妥協する姿勢を示さなかったことを遺憾に思う」と述べた。
> 像は韓国系市民団体「コリア協議会」が 2020年9月に設置。
> 区は直後に許可を撤回したが、団体が異議を申し立て、期限付きで設置された。

In a statement on Sept. 25, the mayor emphasized that "the only legal way to leave the statue permanently is to relocate it to private property" and said that "I regret that the organization didn't show its stance to compromise."
The statue was installed in Sept., 2020 by the S. Korean civic organization, "Korea Verband."
The District Office withdrew its permission shortly after that, but the organization filed an objection. As the result, it was installed for a limited period of time.

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